Our commitment to ethics and human rights is reflected in our policies and how we do business
On January 1, 2012, the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 (SB 657) went into effect in the State of California. The law requires large manufacturers and retailers to disclose their efforts to eradicate slavery and human trafficking within their supply chains. The law aims to educate consumers, so they can make informed decisions to purchase goods from companies that manage their supply chains in a responsible manner.
Respect for human rights is expressed in our company’s Supplier Ethics Policy, which all vendors around the world must adhere to as a condition of doing business with the company. The policy is aligned with the principles outlined by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which prohibits human trafficking and the use of child, forced or imprisoned labor; requires that working conditions are safe and fair; forbids any form of discrimination with regard to age, gender, minority status and/or other protected classes; and upholds the right to freedom of organization, among other essential human rights. We monitor compliance with the Supplier Ethics Policy through risk-based audits conducted by external third parties. Details of how we implement our Supplier Ethics Policy is discussed in our 2013 Corporate Social Responsibility Report.
The same international principles that are applied to our Supplier Ethics Policy are also upheld in our workplace policies and practices, and in our Code of Conduct. We believe every employee is entitled to a safe and healthy work environment that is free from discrimination and harassment, threats or acts of violence or intimidation and where all employees have an equal opportunity to grow and develop their careers and be appropriately compensated for their contributions to the company’s success. In the United States, the company complies with local labor laws regarding employment of youth. The minimum age of employment at CVS Health is 16, or older in some instances.
You should read their CODE OF CONDUCT… page TWO and the section PURPOSE…
Filed under: General Problems
And in Helena Montana
and Helena Montana
Hmmm and this must have some how missed a certain.store in Harrisburg 😉