CVS is the Enron of healthcare

CVS is the Enron of healthcare

For anyone thinking about working for CVS, I urge you to look elsewhere.

The entire business model of CVS is based off of theft and deception. How long can a company like this last? I’m willing to bet that the house of cards comes crashing down within a year or two.

For those who are unfamiliar with how they do business, they profit by forcing pharmacists to work so fast that it is dangerous to the patients. As an employee, this means you’ll have higher stress levels and a much higher chance of making mistakes. Of course, when an inevitable error happens it is your fault (not CVS), and they won’t hesitate to throw you under the bus. If you’re a pharmacist, you are degrading yourself and your profession if you work for them.

If you’re a patient, you probably aren’t aware of how corners are cut in order to meet the company speed metrics. The way the business is run is unsafe, and you are putting yourself in danger by filling prescriptions at CVS. You dont even need to take my word for it. The Chicago Tribune did some independent testing and CVS came in LAST compared to the chains in warning patients about dangerous drug interactions CVS execs do not seem to care that they are killing patients in an effort to increase profits.

CVS is actually worse than the tobacco companies. At least someone buying cigarettes will know about the health risks. Patients are generally not aware that CVS business practices put them in danger.

CVS also keeps getting caught stealing from state medicaid, again and again. The company preaches ethics in its internal propaganda videos, but anyone who pays attention sees how they really operate. The company is run by sociopaths who will steal and kill in the name of corporate greed. Anyone who works for CVS and knows these things is an enabler.

TL;DR: CVS kills people in the name of profit. They also steal from poor people. Don’t work for them Don’t shop there. Don’t be an enabler.

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