Dateline OHIO – rumor on the street 05/03/2014

This showed up in my inbox today…


From the pharmacy grapevine in northeast Ohio comes this news.  At a recent association meeting near Youngstown, OH a pharmacist stood up at the meet-and-greet with the BOP and state legislator present and said something to the effect that “This is all very nice…BUT…what about pharmacist working conditions?  Why aren’t you addressing that issue?”  This pharmacist is a hero!  Unfortunately, he was told that the BOP will not interfere in business practices and put limits on work hours, number of scripts/day, etc., etc.  What an underwhelming response!  Last time I looked it appears that the BOP has their fingers into about everything we, as pharmacists, do.  How many other professions…er…business people have to take an entire semester of law before graduating?  How many must take a separate law exam before receiving a license?  Don’t forget, this is the state that put a pharmacist in jail for making a mistake despite the myriad of distractions and problems going on at his work place for which he had absolutely no control.  Ohio BOP, I know you exist to protect the public from pharmacists.  Perhaps it is time you start protecting the public from the terminal distributor license holders (i.e. CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid, ACE hospital, etc.) so that the pharmacists can perform the functions of their job safely.  Perhaps if someone on the BOP was an average go-to-work-everyday Joe pharmacist instead of a supervisor, director of pharmacy, or vice-president the blinders would come off and they would see what an utter disaster the profession has become.  Ohio Board, have you considered taking a survey of your pharmacists?  Can you spell O-R-E-G-O-N?
Angry Ohio RPh

This Pharmacist mention the Eric Cropp case… in case you are now aware of this travesty ..  in how all the “dominoes ” align up some days… and the imaginable and unthinkable can happen. Here is a link to the “rest of the story “…

Here is a recent post of mine reguarding a robot mixup at the Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio…   Where a spokesperson for the OHIO BOP stated that the BOP had NO AUTHORITY over the Air Force base.. since the BOP only had authority over civilian pharmacies …  However, the state board could become involved if it determines an Ohio-licensed pharmacist was involved in the medication mix-up, he said.  Maybe, I misunderstood the first statement of NO AUTHORITY over Federal facilities.

I also believe that the bureaucrats in this state have also implemented “prescribing guidelines” for controlled substances.. especially opiates.. but they are not alone.. the states of WA, IN, FL have done similar things.

I also believe that they are in the process of rescheduling Zohydro ER to a C-I .. making it ILLEGAL to prescribe/fill in OHIO….. MA tried this stunt.. Gov Patrick got “put in his place by a Federal judge” As if people cannot go into neighboring states… see a physician.. get a Rx for Zohydro and have it filled near the prescriber’s office… and return to Ohio.. Are they going to stake out ever prescriber’s office in neighboring states and track their citizens back to Ohio to arrest them.. or .. just do a search of the neighboring states PMP databases of people that have had Zohydro filled with Ohio addresses..

I also believe that this legislator gave the BOP the authority to re-schedule any substance to a C-I that they PERCEIVE is being abused…

Some of these states are acting like they are their own autonomous island.. or their own autonomous fiefdom …  What is next… we are going to need visa and passports to go from one state to the next.. like we do Canada and Mexico ?

Kind of gives you a mental picture of the recess bill ringing in Kindergarten and all the little individual souls go running aimlessly around the playground.. without any real thought about where they are going or what they are doing or the consequences of tripping over something or running into a solid object.. because they are not paying attention to the bigger picture.

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