DEA Agent: no one should be taking opiates unless they have cancer

As pharmacists we are in a tough spot. I had a DEA agent stand in my pharmacy and watch as a lady handed over a stack of narcotics rxs to the technician. He said no one should be taking those unless they have cancer. ( his words, not mine). This same DEA agent told me I shouldn’t be dispensing diet pills to someone if I judge them to be thin. ( now, my definition of thin bight be different than his). My point is I don’t think it’s my place to be the judge. Also, I don’t see the patient in an office to get all the facts. I don’t always know why someone is taking those pills. According to him, it IS my job to be the judge. I trust the doctor to make that decision, but we aren’t supposed to do that either!

sadly when they are standing there with a gun, you just end up doing what they say when they threaten you…..
No doubt this guy is a total jerk. I did ask him if he was a pharmacist or doctor, as an indication that I thought he had no expertise. He’s not either and didn’t care.

3 Responses

  1. The next thing that will happen is that people will turn to illegal drugs and alcohol. This is already happening and the idiots in charge will wonder why? The government keeps on and on banning things that “might” help the chronic people-I.e.-cannabis and kratom. People just watch that show with Dan Abrams-“PD Live”–it is all about STOPPING the car for any little thing and looking for “drugs.” Usually cannabis–the cash cow for the police. How can the government keep on banning a substance that more than a majority of the people approve? I guess the baby boomers have to pass on and when the younger generation gets in charge things will change regarding cannabis! I have heard more than one person say this and now believe it to be true. I will say again that I thought Trump was smarter than this–people he has appointed to his Opioid Commission–not one pain doctor or chronic pain patient.

  2. Like this dea agent is a doctor!!!!!!Got a name for this dea agent???Soo we can sue him for intereferring w/medical decisions,,which is against federal law!!!!If he feels that way,,,u knoe dam well others do!!!!maryw

  3. The next time I need a law enforcement officer, I will call a doctor. How foolish this has become. There are different grades of opioid medications, the strongest most addictive should probably be reserved for the most severe pain,such as cancer or major surgery. This doesn’t mean chronic pain conditions are any less real. Doctors have been using this medicine in lower doses for decades. Millions are helped by opioids without problems.Research by real medical science professionals have proven that physical dependency is not addiction,nor does everyone have the addictive personalities.We should not deprive those Being safely helped with this med, because of those who abuse it.That can be said of ANY medication.

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