DEA moves to curb oversupply of opioids

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is attempting to reduce the oversupply of opioids in an effort to curb the number of painkillers sold illegally.

Specifically, the agency is proposing a rule that would change how it sets limits on the amount of opioids drug companies can make every year.

“Under this proposed new rule, if DEA believes that a company’s opioids are being diverted for misuse, then they will reduce the amount of opioids that company can make,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Tuesday during remarks he gave on the opioid crisis in North Carolina.

The opioid crisis has hit communities across the country hard, and death rates continue to climb. Some areas have seen a large influx of pills into often small communities, and policymakers are grappling with how to curb the number of painkillers that are sold illegally.

West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey (R) says the proposed rule is the result of a lawsuit he filed against the DEA seeking more transparency and input in the process the agency uses to determine how many opioids can be produced each year. The lawsuit was placed on hold in March after Sessions asked the DEA to evaluate its policies on crafting production quotas for opioids.

“The reform sought by DEA proves the impact of our lawsuit is still reverberating in Washington and producing real results capable of ending the oversupply of deadly and addictive painkillers that has killed far too many,” Morrisey, who is running for the Senate, said in a statement.

The proposed rule hasn’t been filed in the Federal Register as of Tuesday afternoon, but Morrisey’s office sent out a copy.

According to the document, the proposed rule would let the DEA take into account the extent to which pills are sold illegally when setting production quotas for opioids.

It would also consider “relevant information” from various agencies from the Department of Health and Human Services and its agencies, such as the Food and Drug Administration, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. States could also have input and request a hearing if it believes a quota is excessive.

“The current regulations, issued initially in 1971, need to be updated to reflect changes in the manufacture of controlled substances, changing patterns of substance abuse and markets in illicit drugs, and the challenges presented by the current national crisis of controlled substance abuse,” the rule states.

The public comment period for the rule is 15 days.

Sessions also announced an agreement with 48 attorneys general to share prescription drug information to combat the diversion and trafficking of painkillers.













As the number opiate prescriptions hit a TEN YEAR LOW and OVERDOSE DEATHS hit a TEN YEAR HIGH..  hospitals are reporting serious shortage of injectable opiates.. The DEA is looking for ways to justify cutting the opiate production quotas for the pharmas.  When statistics strongly suggests that there is current not enough opiate prescriptions filled would not be enough to meet the valid medical/therapy needs of the intractable chronic pain pts let along the other 70-80 million chronic pain pts and those acute pain pts dealing with pain from a accident or medical procedure.

I wonder if the DEA will use the CDC’s 64,000/yr drug overdose deaths… and overlook or ignore the fact that abt 1/3 of those numbers have nothing to do with opiates and abt 35K are due to ILLEGAL OPIATES and there are no published stats as to how many of all those 64K overdose drug deaths are in fact SUICIDES.

But the TRUTH AND FACTS have never gotten in the way of the DEA doing what they want to do…

3 Responses

  1. More upsetting news in the face of shortages…based on incorrect numbers to fuel the panic even more. We have to figure out a way to demand the cdc errors be corrected or get the word out to legislators the numbers are wrong… unless they know and do not care… This administration is going to kill us all.

  2. Oh, I feel terrible Former First Lady Barbara Bush just passed away. Bless her and her family.

  3. Evidently they haven’t killed enough of us yet. Our AG lil ole Jeff Sessions is trying his best to be relevant, regardless the cost to humanity. So are they cutting of cigerettes and alcohol ? Why will the ACLU not get involved. Prisoners have more rights to pain medication than we do….think I’m kidding, nope that would infringe upon their right to NOT endure cruel & unusual punishment. Even non citizens in our jails. I could be wrong but isn’t there a deceleration by the UN Counsil regarding this as well? I was sorry to hear Former First Lady Barbara Bush has opted for ‘compassionant care’ according To her Granddaughter. I respect her and I truly hope they treat her right, she doesn’t deserve to suffer….none of the rest of use do either.

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