DEA Officially Backtracks On Move To Ban Kratom, An Herb Many Use As Medicine
The TIMING of this… is so suspect… Their final determination is in LIMBO until after the election… and the NEW CONGRESS starts the new 115th Congressional session Jan 3, 2017. Depending on a lot of variables of who gets reelected, which party is in the majority.. there could be a lot of reappointing of Committee chairs and co-chairs and a lot of shuffling of offices as seniority of individual members change. What the DEA is doing… is so far down on Congress’ “to do list”.. that it is very close to a NON-ISSUE… I will be greatly surprised if the DEA does not go back to where they were in their August proclamation of the scheduling of Kratom as a C-I. The Obama administration and the new President elect transition teams will be preoccupied with the transition between administrations. The DEA…which is part of our “shadow government”… those non-elected bureaucrats/regulators.. are in a position to DO AS THEY PLEASE…
The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration appeared to concede Wednesday that it had been too hasty in attempting to ram through a controversial ban on the herbal supplement kratom.
In a notice set to be published in the Federal Register, the DEA said it has formally withdrawn an August announcement that initially outlined plans to place mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, two active compounds in kratom, in Schedule I. Schedule I drugs include heroin and LSD and are considered to have no known medical benefit and a high potential for abuse.
Citing widespread backlash from kratom users, advocates and other stakeholders, the DEA says it will open an official comment period, set to end on Dec. 1. It is also asking the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for a formal scientific and medical evaluation of the herb, which will be used to make an updated scheduling recommendation.
Kratom is an herb made from the leaves of Mitragyna speciosa, a Southeast Asian tree related to coffee. The alkaloids mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine appear to activate opioid receptors in the brain and reduce pain. And although most opioids have sedative qualities, low to moderate doses of kratom actually serve as a mild stimulant.
All of this has made kratom a popular traditional medicine for millennia in Asia and more recently in the West, where many users tout it not just as an analgesic, but also as a treatment for anxiety, depression and opioid addiction.
But the DEA has raised concerns about kratom’s addictive potential, as well as isolated reports of harm associated with use. The agency’s change in course will keep kratom legal for the immediate future, but it’s unclear how long the delay will last.
The DEA will take submitted comments and the FDA’s findings into consideration as it decides how to proceed. If it determines after Dec. 1 that there is “substantial evidence of potential for abuse to support” scheduling kratom, the agency can take additional action through the permanent or temporary scheduling process. To ban kratom on a permanent basis, the DEA would need to submit an additional notice of proposed rulemaking, which would allow for further input from the public and lawmakers.
But if the DEA maintains, as it did in August, that emergency scheduling of kratom is “necessary to avoid an imminent hazard to the public safety,” it could file a new notice of intent, which would likely go into effect a month later. The agency could also opt to pursue both emergency and permanent scheduling simultaneously, or to leave kratom unregulated.

Still, the DEA’s decision to reverse course on banning a drug, even temporarily, is unprecedented. Kratom and drug policy reform advocates who have spent the past month aggressively lobbying against the ban effort were quick to hail the news as a victory.
“This is a truly remarkable moment to see the Drug Enforcement Administration, a law enforcement agency with a long track record of ignoring both science and public opinion, being forced to consider the scientific evidence and public opinion before taking additional steps with respect to kratom,” said Grant Smith, deputy director of national affairs at the Drug Policy Alliance, in a statement. “People who oppose a federal kratom ban only have about six weeks to tell the federal government that kratom does not belong in our broken drug scheduling system.”
Susan Ash, founder of the American Kratom Association, a nonprofit that works with consumers, credited the effort by kratom users, congressional lawmakers and scientists who have challenged the DEA’s unilateral move to expand the drug war.
“We believe kratom should not be scheduled in any way, shape or form,” she said in a statement to The Huffington Post. “It’s been consumed safely for decades in the U.S. and world-wide for millennium, so there is no impetus to make it a controlled substance. We look forward to working cooperatively with the DEA as they conduct their review.”
Earlier this month, two groups of senators wrote acting DEA administrator Chuck Rosenberg asking him to delay the kratom ban. Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) said in a letter that a group of 11 scientists from “well-respected research institutions in the U.S.” had contacted him to express concern about the agency’s crackdown. They pointed out that a number of initial studies on kratom have shown the herb to have therapeutic potential, with relatively few risk factors. Some research has even suggested that kratom could aid in the development of safer, non-opioid painkillers, which are currently contributing to a national epidemic of addiction and overdose.
The Senate letter built on a similar push by a group of 50 House lawmakers, led by Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Wis.), as well as a White House petition that now has more than 140,000 signatures. In a statement to HuffPost on Wednesday, Pocan called the DEA’s move toward transparency a good step forward. The next step, he suggested, should be to make the ban’s delay permanent.
“I hope the DEA will take a hard look at the federally funded research into the potential health benefits of kratom, especially with regards to curbing opioid abuse and addiction,” said Pocan. “Concerned citizens across the country have made it clear, they want the DEA to listen to the science when it comes to the potentially life-saving properties of kratom. I hope a more thorough process will reverse their decision, and allow for continued research in this area.”
Filed under: General Problems
Yes, DEA must threaten to ban the kratom as it has many medical use. The main is that its opiate withdrawal, which save our young generation.
Got 1 question thou,,,why when we opiate MEDICINE people wrote the dea,,it did nothing,,they continued to reschedule it???anyone know thee answer to that??mary
DO NOT TRUST THE DEA,, whilst I am glad for kratom people,,the dea is corrupt,,they will wait for this to calm down,,,and they’ll put it as a schedule 3 or something,,but they will not let it remain 100% legal AS IT SHOULD BE,,,they want jobs,employment and stolen monies from ”we the people,” plus our tax dollars,,,,, I believe ALL plants should be legal ,,marijuana,kratom,poppy,and coca,,,they are all natural plants, thus our government as NO business or rite to criminalize a plant,,,and I believe in freedom of medical choice,,,kratom does not work for me,,,but it obviously works for others,,,thus they should be allowed to have it,as ADULTS,,,,just as I should be allowed to receive what works for me,,opiates, now if the poppy flower,marijuana[cbd’],coca plants was legal,,i’d ???????,,,,so I never have to rely on another doctor in my life,,,,,JUST WATCH’EM,,that dea is 100000 %%%% corrupt,,,,mary
I have posted on this site before concerning kratom,and will continue to do so when new articles appear.As a 63 year old partially disabled old guy with chronic pain,I am only oneof tens of thousands that have found profound pain relief,by simply making kratom tea and sipping on it throughout the day.
This herb is not an imminent health crises,it is just the opposite,a health booster,in that it safely and consistently alleviates pain and helps calm body and mind.Many veterans have found it eases the PTSD from which many suffer.It is not a substance with much of any abuse potential,as taking to much results in dizziness and nausea.One quickly learns,that with KRATOM more is not better,and is not needed.
This herb is not lethal,it does not affect breathing as do opioids.The 600 some cases of calls to poison control over a 5 year period have upon unbiased research been found to be cases of other dangerous substances being used simultaneously,and the death case has been found to have other factors involved.Pure natural kratom that has not been tampered with is non-lethal and not harmful.
It is not an opioid and will not get you high.The average user is of middle age,and uses it as I do,medicinally for pain.Hopefully over the next several months,the authorities will have ample time to investigate the credible research results,and review with open mind the personal testimonies of the tens of thousands that can confirm what I’ve said.It does not belong in schedule 1,or any schedule.