DEA Removes Marijuana Misinformation from Website

After Months of Public and Legal Pressure, DEA Removes Marijuana Misinformation from Website

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has removed marijuana misinformation from their website following months of public and legal pressure.

After months of public pressure, and a legal request by the nonprofit medical cannabis advocacy group Americans for Safe Access, the DEA has removed factually inaccurate information about marijuana from their website.

As part of the legal request, Americans for Safe Access argued that there was over 25 incorrect statements on the DEA’s website about cannabis, which violates the Information Quality Act, which prohibits government agencies from providing false information to the public, and requires them to respond to requests for correction of information within 60 days.

“The DEA’s removal of these popular myths about cannabis from their website could mean the end of the Washington gridlock” said Steph Sherer, Executive Director of Americans for Safe Access. “This is a victory for medical cannabis patients across the nation, who rely on cannabis to treat serious illnesses. The federal government now admits that cannabis is not a gateway drug, and doesn’t cause long-term brain damage, or psychosis. While the fight to end stigma around cannabis is far from over, this is a big first step.”

Americans for Safe Access’ full legal request which brought forth this change can be found by clicking here.

2 Responses

  1. “This is a big first step”
    And all it took was 50 years for this “first” step.Now what,another 50 years to get it off of that ignorant,outdated,inaccurate schedule one nonsense.And of course this big first step comes at the same time trump appoints a dinasauer anti cannabis Prohibitionist ignoramus as AG.This is to little,and it’s taken to damn long.People are suffering that could be helped,and people are still being jailed for using a harmless medicinal herb.I give them no applause for simply bowing to science and public pressure and admitting they have put out false and misleading info for decades.Get out of the way of progress and stop ignoring the will of the people,then I may say they deserve applause,for taking a big step!

  2. EXACT SAME WAY WE NEED TO DO IT W/OUR MEDICINES,,,YESTERDAY,,the legal way,,they will not stop,,,until they are legally stopped,,THANK U STEVE,,,,,MORE TO FORWARD AS A HOW TO GUIDE….THIS IS WONDERFUL,,,,,,mary

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