Do these Senators really mean what they say ?


This letter is signed by Senators Grassley & Wyden who are chair and co-chair of the Senate Committee On Finance

Within the letter they are quoted as “We want to ensure that patients are able to acquire prescription drugs necessary for them to enjoy a happy and healthy life, and ensure that those drugs are affordable”

Are they are really interested in ALL PATIENTS being able to get ALL THEIR NECESSARY PRESCRIPTION DRUGS ? Including those that help manage SUBJECTIVE DISEASES ?

4 Responses

  1. Pain meds won’t be treated the same.

  2. I just want the pain to end and my life back. Yesterday I sucked up the pain and planted a Gardenia bush for my wife. I woke up at midnight in so much pain. When will it end.

  3. they only want to help those that aren’t addicts, I’m sure. Of course, all us chronic pain patients are addicts & we’re destroying the very fabric of society. Or so the narrative would have everyone believe…& lots are buying that crap.

  4. Lip Service

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