DOC threatens pt with DISCHARGE for taking LEGAL SUPPLEMENT

This showed up as a post in another “CLOSED”  FACE BOOK  “pain group”. There are only FOUR STATES where KRATOM is illegal ( WI, IN, TN, VT), but it would appear that some prescribers have decided to start testing for this SUPPLEMENT and promising/threatening pts with discharge if they have KRATOM show up in urine testing.  What substance is next… Nicotine… Alcohol…Caffeine …. Soda… Sugar… Chocolate ?

Hello everyone! I hardly ever post, but I do read everyone’s posts and keep up to date…. so I thought I’d share something that happened to me while at my pain management specialist yesterday…. I thankfully got my refills, and was UA’d. I was UA’d last month, but he dropped a bomb on me…. I have tried kratom to see if it helps me with my pain, it helps to a point, but helps more with my anxiety. Well, my Doc informed me that he found it in my urine. He also informed me that they are starting to test patients for it, because it will be illegal soon. Now, I know there are a few people on here that will argue with me that it won’t be, but I’m just telling you what he told me. He informed me that I needed to stop taking it immediately, because if I kept taking it, he would take me off all meds… and I don’t know about you, but I sincerely need my medication to even get through the day. This really sucks… I asked him “why though? It’s over the counter and it’s herbal” he then said “yes, so is Marijuana, and that’s a no no here”
So just for warning you all, be careful guys, I’m sharing this with you all because I care! Super bummed about it though….

5 Responses

  1. Im tellen u guys,,there is bigger scheme going on here,,,,,people lossing jobs for cups of tea,,a legal herb ,,and they constantly pull this ,”chemically similier,”,,,but that started around 2004,,,,,There’s a bigger picture,,,,behind the scenes,,,,,where not privy tooo,,,Changing the 100 year old definition of drugs,,changing the controlled substance act that stood for over 70 years,,,it corrupt whatever their agenda is,,,but its like the Great Doc said a while ago….THEY WANT OPIATES GONE!!!mary

  2. Next up:
    Testing for toothpaste….

  3. what state???

  4. How long for it to be out of your system?

  5. I find that different doctor look for different things. Some pain doctors have been checking for kratom for quite some time. I think your doctor is giving you a warning that they are testing for it. I know I would not try unless I ask my doctor first. It is sad that something that works so well for some has been thrown into the same thought as if they are the same as bath salts. But I take it that this one doctor also does not know everything the DEA is going to do. The DEA has also been whining about hemp CBD oils because it has a minut amount of THC. However hemp is a major product in this country and used for all kinds of products. I doubt they will outlaw it for that reason.The number of complaints have been so small and again they are pushing chronic pain patients with little choice but to hit the street. Making Kratom illegal will do only one thing. Make it into a huge money making opportunities for the some Mexican cartel.

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