Does this apply to the prisoners of the war on drugs ?

America is more accepting of torture than most other countries

Americans’ attitudes towards torture have hardened over the past decade and a half, according to a new global survey of public views on war.

Nearly half (46%) of Americans polled by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) think it is acceptable to torture captured enemy combatants “to obtain important military information”. And 33% believe that torture is a “part of war”.

Only Nigerians (70%) and Israelis (50%) were more comfortable than Americans with the idea of torturing enemy fighters.


 Views on torture

Image: ICRC

When the ICRC carried out its last People on War survey in 1999, 65% of Americans did not believe it was acceptable to torture captured enemy fighters.

For this year’s survey, conducted between June and September, the ICRC gauged the views of 17,000 people in 16 countries on the 1949 Geneva Conventions, which set out how civilians and prisoners should be treated during times of conflict.

Countries surveyed included the permanent five (P5) members of the UN Security Council – the US, Russia, China, Britain and France – plus Switzerland, as well as nations suffering conflict such as Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq, Ukraine and South Sudan.

The findings suggest that people in war-ravaged countries were more likely to respond humanely to questions on the laws of war. For example, only 14% of Ukrainians and 16% of Afghans thought torture was “part of war”.

Overall, more than a third (36%) of respondents believe that captured enemy fighters could be tortured. Just under half thought the practice was unacceptable, compared with two thirds in the 1999 survey.

“We all need to redraw a line in the sand: torture in any form is forbidden,” ICRC President Peter Maurer said in a statement. “We demonize our enemies at our own peril. Even in war, everyone deserves to be treated humanely.”

The research points to a rift between the P5 countries and the other nations surveyed over their views on international humanitarian law. 78% of people living in countries affected by war said it was wrong to attack enemy fighters in populated areas, knowing that civilians would be killed. In P5 countries and Switzerland, only half of respondents said it was wrong, and just 36% in the US.


 Survey 2

Image: ICRC

In addition, 26% of people in P5 countries thought depriving the civilian population of essentials like food, water and medicine to weaken the enemy was just “part of war”, compared with 14% in countries affected by conflict.

More than eight out of 10 of all those surveyed thought it was wrong to attack hospitals, ambulances and healthcare workers to weaken the enemy. In wartorn countries, this figure was 89% (100% in Yemen), 79% in P5 countries and Switzerland, and 76% in the United States.

2 Responses

  1. there’s been a campaign for years in this country to convince people that concepts like mercy & compassion are for weaklings & losers, that the ends justify the means no matter what. It’s been shown that torture isn’t even effective –the victim will make stuff up just to stop the torture, but the macho power-types (especially those who’ve never been in actual battle or the armed services) just gotta prove how tough they are by promoting torture, whether it accomplishes anything or not.

    There are strong parallels with the “war on the opioid epidemic;” the pols & bureaucrats are stomping around proclaiming how tough they are by enacting all sorts of legislation that will destroy the lives of legit pain patients & innocent civilians but won’t do diddly about the actual problem –illegal drugs & drug suppliers & importers.

  2. Geez,,,,maybe this is a SMALL part of the reason were having such a hard time getting to the public??For all wars are won in the hearts of mankind,,
    The United States has a terrible record of torture onto its own citizens..From the last crap,,to abusing children ON PURPOSE, to see if abuse will form their personalities..To the psychopaths in Pennhurst,,Trans Alleghany etc,,,doing lobotomies, or sterilazations,or purposedly infecting mentally ill w/polio to see if it work,,etc..and ALWAYS,,,FREAKEN ALWAYS,,,The united states worms their way out by making up some new regulation/law/definition to justify torturing its own kind..They call these new regulations,,”lawful sanctions,”,,and get away w/it..The wording itself on torture has changed,,It use to be torture can be used to gather information to a 3rd party..Well had to change that 1,,,Insurance companies are a 3rd party.
    Does this torture apply to us,,,absolutely,,the U.N states..denial of access to effective medicine to lessen severe physical pain is torture.JMO,,I think in order to get a conviction this time against the U.S.A. for torture,tortureing to death is pre-existing,chronicly medical ill to save $$$,and to get rid of the segment of our population who’s,, in thee elites mind,,have a inferior gene pool cause were physically ill,,amounts to genocide.I think thee only way to a conviction, thus a stoppage of this torture/genocifde,,is to get thee American government into a World court.,,jmo,maryw

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