Dr Bill Bennett “drug czar” under Bush (43) says that war on drugs – going the wrong way now

Dr Bennett is still not really “with it” they were asking him about the bribery charges against the head of insys therapeutics and claim that “if they were pushing pills”… Insys was “pushing” Subsys whicquh is a sublingual Fentanyl spray – currently no solid opiate/controlled substance products.  Also is quoting the 72 K deaths… when 40% of those numbers do not involve opiates.

However, he did state that the vast majority of pts who are prescribed them – DO NOT ABUSE THEM – and that the CDC was backtracking on the opiate dosing guideline truthfully stating that they have been misapplied.

3 Responses

  1. My opinion abt subsys…don’t throw out the baby with bathwater. Insys marketing may have been too aggressive but it’s a very good and needed medicine.

  2. If we had said nothing I don’t think we would have ever heard this. That’s why Lauren DeLuca disrespecting the facebook groups is particularly abhorrent. But “Police” DO NOT know it’s a fentanyl issue or Dr. Hensen would NEVER have seen a court room. They are coming around to the truth. I am so proud of us.

  3. Kinda good.
    Bennett still clueless on counterfeit pills on the street, he thinks diapered pills are from grandmas Medici e cabinet

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