Dr. Thomas Kline, MD, PhD: Medical Myths Revealed NATIONAL PAIN COUNCIL is formed

The National Pain Council is a citizens and professional group with the goal to suspend the CDC Guidelines now that the AMA has declared the guidelines as having “harmed many patients”. We will work to suspend these dangerous informal “guidelines” written by people without the clinical experience to write medical guidelines, and with noticeable bias toward pain nihilism. Look over our goals at www.Nationalpaincouncil.org and donate! We need money for lobbyists, for lawyers to file lawsuits against those who have harmed us.

One Response

  1. How can a group go wrong with Dr Kline ? This might be the best news Ive heard in along time..Its long overdue I havent been able to work in 30 years..If I was on my high dosage I would be able to My point is my income is limited,but I will find a way to donate..This is to big a cause not to help in some way
    Thank you Dr.Kline and Thank you Steve for posting this

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