Filed under: General Problems
“The moral test of a government is how it treats those who are at the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the aged; and those who are in the shadow of life, the sick and the needy, and the handicapped.” – Hubert Humphrey
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It’s funny how the current “epidemic” didn’t start to be called that until white people started dying.
huh???wth does skin color have to do w/death??purple,white,brown ,yellow,,,,when your dead,,,your dead soo,,I guess i just don’t understand your premise???Thee epidemic is people forcibly being denied MEDICINE for physically painful medical conditions,,white,purple,brown yellow,,whatever your dang color is??,,,maryw
Yet another thing to thank Tricky Dicky for.
I am not sure how the public won over prohibition but whatever it was we need to do now! I am finding with people I know that most don’t even know why their meds are being reduced or eliminated and when you try to explain it their eyes glaze over and they make some comment about doctors knowing more than we do. I just want to shake them since it’s not people with medical training that are doing this to us!
I knew this was history repeating itself,,,,there never was this epidemic,,,,96% of us use our medicine responsible,,but when u take it away from 70 %of the 96 %,,,they STILL NEED THERE MEDICINE,,because THEY STILL HAVE THEIR PHYSICAL PAIN,, soo,,,when your in constant physical pain,,,U WILL DO ANYTHING TO STOP IT,,,research should of been done to sgow that fact,,,however,,,better late then nevber,,,we need to get it in writteing everywhere that opiate MEDICINE works,,,,for long term chronic physical pain!!!!How did they stop prohibition 100 years ago???mary