even explaining my situation to the pharmacist he denied me and told me there’s nothing I can do about it

Sorry to to bother you with this but I don’t really know what else I can do and I’m trying to find other avenues. I live in a small City and my pharmacist keeps refusing to fill my prescriptions for me even with written and verbal consent from my doctor. It’s happened three times in the last year and I do believe he is doing it maliciously and intentionally. I don’t know if he does this to everybody or if he just has something against me that I don’t know about.

  The first time I had to have two teeth pulled and they gave me some hydrocodone for the pain because I got dry socket. It made me extremely sick and I puked so the next day they gave me another prescription for a different pain medicine. These prescriptions were only for like 3 days they weren’t large prescriptions, even explaining my situation to the pharmacist he denied me and told me there’s nothing I can do about it.

  The second time I have lung disease and I’ve had to take prednisone and other steroids to help control it. I had a major flare up and my blood oxygen was tanking every time I would cough I would lose consciousness. I couldn’t get into my pulmonologist so I saw my doctor and she put me on some prednisone, I filled it but the next day I saw my pulmonologist and she told me I needed to be on a much higher dose along with albuterol inhaler and a nebulizing treatment. I went back to the pharmacy and he filled the nebulizers and the inhaler but refused to fill the larger dose of prednisone.

  This last time I was going on vacation my doctor gave me my script and wrote on it that it could be filled early and wrote the date that it could be filled early on, she even called them to confirm that I was going on vacation and they could be filled early. This early fill was one day before I could normally fill it. And he flat refused it no explanation just told me to leave and that there was nothing I could do about it.

  I have since talked to his company Walgreens and they are sticking with him no repercussions they basically said it’s my word against his and he’s a pharmacist even pointing out it was a one day early fill. I’ve sent in the complaint to the Montana board of pharmaceuticals. But they told me before I even filed the complaint that without it being a very egregious Act or video evidence how how he was acting they pretty much never side with the complaint unless he’s had numerous other complaints.

  So my question is do I have any other recourse is there anything else I am able to do to stop this from happening to me and to others. He makes very unprofessional comments about junkies and other things and flat-out tells me there’s nothing I can do about it. I do not believe anybody should be allowed to treat anybody like this and I just need some help if you could find the time to point me in the right direction.



7 Responses

  1. I’ve seen stories on local TV similar to this. Most we on NBC stations – here it’s called “10 on your side” – bad PR might be your only weapon. Videotape is an release the tape on Facebook and Twitter. Make it good, so it gets plenty of retweets. Also, a complaint – short and sweet, to the Walgreens twitter rep can be effective, because again,it PR – lots of people can see it.

  2. I am sorry this isnt much current help for you,but 1st!! do what I did when I got the same treatment @walgreens-discontinue ALL business w/them.that means not even a candy bar.stand at least 500 ft.from their property line and hold up signs w/your greivance.the word is well out now with them and CVS.they are even treating people w/ADHD med.scripts like junkies.as if those folks are happy that their kids have that issue!this anal retentive action will not last once they experience the full backlash this is creating.that is my belief and prayer.

  3. If this is your only pharmacy or you are determined to stick with this pharmacy start recording every interaction you have with the staff there. That way if you ever file anotjer complaint you will have video proof and no he said/she said crap. If that is your only pharmacy and you would like to switch this is what I did. I live in a small town as well and even though we have several pharmacies none of them were convenient for me. A fairly major city about an hour or so away Fed Ex’s Rx’s overnight for fee. They are a local owned small chain and I’ve never had a problem getting any/all my Rx’s filled. They are wonderful. So that is something you can look in to for your area. Good luck I hope it gets better for you. I was a customer of CVS and I had enough so I feel your pain.

  4. WOW! So now they are refusing medications other than pain medications, I have heard two people have had their insulin refused lately. Where do these jerks get off playing God with our lives? It seams the new ideaology with some pharmacist is to intimidate, humiliate and cause harm to patients. The way pain patients AKA patients with complex health issues (serious diseases and injuries) are being treated is disgusting! Many have been deemed disabled and the ADA is even looking the other way. Is this genocide? Is this America? Does our government need to force our deaths so they can rape SS AGAIN as we know they have cut the Medicare and Medicaid progams? Why is main stream media ignoring al of this? Things that make you go hmmmm…
    I think it is time to change our tactics in this fight. Maybe picketing our local news stations would get some attention? Signs in our yards? I also think we need thousands to stand with us in whatever we do in order to get ANY attention. That means we MUST get our family & friends to stand with us… Afterall, EVERYONE is a diagnosis or injury away from NEEDING pain medication!

  5. i would definitely use a different pharmacy if that was a possibility. It sounds to me like this guy gets a sick pleasure out of refusing someone medication. Especially prednisone! Really? Who is a prednisone “junkie”??

  6. We’ve basically arrived at the point where it’s not just acceptable to abuse & ridicule pain patients in ways that would have society frothing at the mouth if it was directed at any other minority –especially a disabled minority– but it’s positively applauded; “Yeah! Give to that useless junkie!” So far beyond appalling I’ve been in a chronic state of severe anxiety for months. I can’t even call the “genocide” conspiracies unbelievable any more.

    I wish I knew something to tell this person; I assume from the description they live in a place where this is the only pharmacy. Is that the only pharmacist?

    • Hello again canarensis
      Great minds etc…lol. It has become a surreal nightmare for CPPs in last 12 months. The writer needs to transfer ALL RXs to indie pharmacy. BUT I’d recommend going q1st to that store, talking with their pharmacists. No point switching if they are A holes.

      Anyway, politicians saw paydirt with ‘ope crisis” since most are running losing elections. They jumped on the CPP Witch Hunt Wagon SOOOO fast they left their shoes in the dust, spineless cowards. All these “less govt” candidates are full of mierda….and all must’ve gotten their MD diploma from Cheerios box!
      I don’t know where when this insanity will end. I am chained to my heating/cooling pad, my bed, my home. Quality of life as opposed to a year ago? Down 75%.
      Hope all is well with you

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