Everyone is in denial that illegal drugs are killing more and more ?

Beijing denies US claim that China is synthetic drug king


There are people/entities in China that are addicted to the money that is being generated by all the illegal synthetic drugs that they are producing and selling in the USA… the DEA is addicted to the power and budgets that they are in denial that they are only seizing only 4% of what is being produced and eventually gets sold on our “streets” and TENS OF THOUSANDS are dying every year from using/abusing and INCREASING…

BEIJING (AP) — U.S. assertions that China is the top source of the synthetic opioids that have killed thousands of drug users in the U.S. and Canada are unsubstantiated, Chinese officials told The Associated Press.

Both the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy point to China as North America’s main source of fentanyl, related drugs and the chemicals used to make them.

Such statements “lack the support of sufficient numbers of actual, confirmed cases,” China’s National Narcotics Control Commission told DEA’s Beijing office in a fax dated Friday.

In its letter, which the commission also sent to AP, Chinese officials urged the U.S. to provide more evidence about China’s role as a source country.

DEA officials said their casework and investigations consistently lead back to China. DEA data also shows that when China regulates synthetic drugs, U.S. seizures plunge.

“China is not the only source of the problem, but they are the dominant source for fentanyls along with precursor chemicals and pill presses that are being exported from China to the U.S., Canada and Mexico,” said Russell Baer, a DEA special agent in Washington.

Beijing is concerned enough about international perceptions of China’s role in the opioid trade that after AP published investigations highlighting the easy availability of fentanyls online from Chinese suppliers, the narcotics commission made a rare invitation to a team of AP journalists to discuss the issue at the powerful Ministry of Public Security, a leafy complex just off Tiananmen Square at the historic and political heart of Beijing.

U.S.-China cooperation is essential for mounting an effective global response to an epidemic of opioid abuse that has killed more than 300,000 Americans since 2000. The presence of fentanyl, a prescription painkiller up to 50 times stronger than heroin, and related compounds in the U.S. drug supply began to rise in 2013, after dealers learned they could multiply profits by cutting the potent chemicals into heroin, cocaine and counterfeit prescription pills.

Even as the U.S. Congress considers legislation to punish opioid source countries, no government agency has produced comprehensive data on seizures of fentanyl-related substances by country of origin.

The national database on drug seizures overseen by DEA does not require reporting by source country and may not accurately reflect seizures of all fentanyl-related compounds. Baer said it didn’t even have a “fentanyl” category until around two years ago. It also takes time for chemists to identify seized drugs, which means fentanyl-related samples may get incorrectly logged as other drugs.

The White House Office of National Drug Control Policy declined to comment.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection said it had data by country of origin only for 2015: Nearly two-thirds of the 61 kilograms (134 pounds) of fentanyl seized last year came from Mexico. The rest came from China.

DEA officials say Mexican cartels are key bulk suppliers of fentanyl to the U.S., but portray Mexico as a transshipment point. Mexican officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to be quoted, said fentanyl and its precursors were coming from China. Only two labs trying to produce fentanyl from scratch have been located in Mexico in recent years, with others apparently taking simpler steps to turn precursors into fentanyl, the officials said.

Mexican authorities did not immediately respond to requests for seizure data by country of origin.

There is plenty of anecdotal evidence indicating that China plays an important role in the fentanyls trade, and despite disagreements, Chinese authorities have been proactive in trying to stop fentanyl manufacture and export.

Chinese companies offering to export synthetic opioids are easy to find, the AP found in investigations published in October and November. China’s narcotics commission said it was scrutinizing 12 opioid vendors the AP identified, along with others that advertise fentanyl analogs.

In some cases, China has enacted faster, more comprehensive changes to its drug control laws than much of the rest of the world. Beijing already regulates fentanyl and 18 related compounds and is considering designating four more: carfentanil, furanyl fentanyl, acryl fentanyl and valeryl fentanyl, the narcotics commission told AP. In the meantime, the commission told AP it warned Chinese vendors and websites that carfentanil and other analogs are harmful and should not be sold.

The resulting ripple of anxiety prompted some companies to recommend alternative opioids, like U-47700, the AP found in conversations with a dozen vendors. “Friend, fent is illegal in China,” wrote one. “It is dangerous for us.”

7 Responses

  1. Its a heck of alot easier for the dea to sit on their ass’s,paid for by OUR dime,,search thru our computers,our doctors,our pharmacist ,to randomly pic one of us to willfully extinguish our lives,,The dea no-longer need a truthful reason,they just make up a lie,thus a false reason to search..Its toop much work to get off their ass’s go and find actual drug dealers of real drugs like coke,or heroin..Their lazy,,and going after innocent people guarantees them employment,retirement and monies…jmo,,its that simply..Lets MAKE up a opiate epidemic,so we can guarantee employment for dea forever,,I say,,make it all legal,,natural medicines legal,,if your over 18…Can u imagine how much money we the tax payers would save if the dea could no longer arrest doctors,pharmacist,us??!!Defund them..
    Now shrinks,,,I DO NOT LIKE,,jmo,,shrinks like klondike bar got pist-off they weren’t involved w/painmanagement,,I have seen it myself,,many pain-management centers will have a shrink tucked away in a little corner office,,I was literally told 20 years ago,,if i did not see a shrink for a ,”assessment,” i would not receive my medicine,,,Its pathetic shrinks have to threaten humanbeings w/physical pain to get a patient on board to see them,,but my point is,,many Doctors had no desire for the shrinks to be involved w/their practice,,,and as a patient i agree,,thus these shrinks weren’t getting a piece of the pie monies,,Sooo they went to thee other side,,,”addiction,,,” not to actually help people,,but to fill their pocket,,jmo,,maryw.

  2. OMG (sarcasm) Will the DEA just admit already that they’ll never get this right? When or ARE they even capable of stopping China or Mexico from bringing ANY of the fentanyl products to OUR streets? This is why they claim we have the so called “Opioid Epidemic” that we didn’t have before nor, NOW!! The CDC & DEA know this is due to Heroin, Cocaine & fake pills being sold on our streets for ADDICTS!! It’s NOT the US as chronic pain patients with chronic illnesses. Why are we with our chronic issues taking the blame for something we didn’t ASK for?
    We have ALL the proof to prove them wrong so, what is everyone waiting for? This is class action suit time, it’s way PAST DUE, & we need to START ONE!!!
    Standing, Sitting or Laying down – All that’s ready, Please COME forward?

    • know any lawyers willing take on our case??u r correct,,we have ALLLL the proof,,but not 1 lawyer has got the balls to do it..and 7 more die today,,,,,,,Aclu’s are usually more interested in LGBT cases,,,not death,,or medically ill humanbeings being tortured to death literally,,,,maryw

      • Yes, I’m in touch with an attorney that will help as we gather more information. Together we stand & divided we fall. Sorry it took so long to reply but, I’m on many other outlets getting info needed to file a suit

        • Do u want the formal responds of the U.N,,,via a formal complaint sent in by me??Also as evidence,,,,that petition2congress ,do no harm,,dea targets p[hysican has 34,000 letters,,,of people whom have been force to suffer in physical pain from medical illness ,,do to our government abuse of power and inhumane treatment towards the medically ill..The U.N formal return letter stated the the United States is in violation of the international law on torture,,,maryw

          • Mary I’m not on here as much as I’d like to be as we’re fighting all the stigma across the US & U.N as it’s cruel & inhumane punishement for all. Our Veterans are fighting for all on Facebook with a group called Vets Fight Back. If you have Facebook please join & friend me there under Sherry Sherman or snoogums79@gmail.com? I’d like to have all that you have but, would need to give another email to you. Send one to the one above & title it Chronic Pain, then I can give you another email to send your information to. I have 3-4 4″binders full of articles being in healthcare that shows a lot of what you’re saying. However, great minds working together is what we need to win this battle. If you have skype find me at Ssherman63 on their & request me as we can talk there or download viber. It’s a free app on all phones that one can talk, text or video chat to all who have it. I hope to hear from you soon, take care & know we’re not giving up…. NEVER

            • Dr.Steve,,posted on here,,,see my computer crash again,,3 tower mysteriously,,until we were forced to get windows 10,,,anywho Steve has a copy of all of it THANK GOD,, ill email him and ask him,,or it was posted here,,,the U.N responds,,,,,mary

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