Failure … let me count the ways !

failureOnce again the chronic pain community has failed to create unity

Yesterday’s election abt 98% of the incumbents got re-elected… So how does the chronic pain community expects change.. if they don’t participate in causing change.

Untold number of Face Book pages have been created to get the chronic pain to unify.. Unity WILL NOT HAPPEN the more FACE BOOK PAGES that there are.

There has been dozens of petition to the White House, Congress and others… each needing 100,000 signatures and most getting LESS THAN 1,000 signatures. Another chronic pain community failure

There was a effort to create a “legal war chest” to fund hiring a law firm to help PUSH BACK against all the injustices that are being dumped on the chronic pain community..  after a month $600 + was collected from a couple of dozen people.. with two people each contributing $100 each… that was ABANDONED for apparent lack of interest.. another failure of the chronic pain community

We don’t know how many people have had meetings with the elected members of Congress when they are back in their local districts… don’t hear much about it… so very little must have occurred – ANOTHER FAILURE

How many chronic painers have shared news articles about chronic painers committing suicide with their local TV/news medias … on their FACE BOOK PAGES  and/or TWITTER feed. Seemingly the known suicides of chronic painers .. just get a YAWN out of the chronic pain community.. ANOTHER FAILURE.

But rest assured that on various internet medias… many from the chronic pain community will continue to WHINE …. BITCH… and MOAN…  on a daily basis about their under/untreated pain… and if history is any suggestion how successful this will be in the future to change the path that our country is on .. in the treatment of chronic painers… the future will be very bleak for those with chronic pain… BECAUSE NOTHING WILL CHANGE… within the chronic pain community’s unity.




19 Responses

  1. Please at least let the new president know of our torture and genocide put upon us by thee old administration, the dea,,cdc ,,all of them,,Please write to,,,,,,the more we can get to write the new Trump administration,,,,BEFORE,, thee opiate phobs do,,thee addiction IDIOTS,, if we can get the truth to the Trump presidency first,,,,the better chance we have,,,,let them know it all..I was up late last nite,,writing a 1/2 hour long ,”suggestion,” to them about us,,,I requested they look at the Petition 2 congress,,see all those heart breaking comments…About our doctors/pharmacist being regulated rite out of business,,,in fear of the dea’s abuse of ,”just power,” Arresting our good doctors,,slandering them before trial to contaminate the jury’s,,,taking assets BEFOR guilt or innocent,,I basically wrote,,,,what this administration/media did to u Mr.Trump,,,,is what they have done to the chronic physical pain patients, their doctors , there medicinesand their pharmacist,,,it has been a literal witch hunt on all of ad people are dieing because of it,,,,WRITE IT ALL IN THERE,,TELL THE TRUMP ADMINSTRATION ALL OF IT,,, before,,,these Klondyn types get their 2 cent lies in there!!!please!!!mary

  2. After being SHOCK EN AWED beginning with the former administration, and having several diagnoses, I have done what I was able-to. Given that every non profit I went to for help said they couldn’t,and the pain and adhd meds that gave me the ability to be proactive and independent were altered w/o knowledge or consent, [another shock to my system]; I am doing all I can do. I have notified Human rights groups; Disability rights never contacted me back. Empire Justice said they couldn’t help with medications, and that my question regarding human rights as an American Citizen living in N.Y. state was a philosophical question. Every door, [no info on human rights yet], was closed due to their own responses to me. I keep searching..

    • To speakthetruth;; we did write the United Nation of our quest/torture and genocide…The U.N agreed,,,,,they are tortureing us,,,,denial of access to medicine for physical pain is torture,,and the United States in Guilty of that,,,however,,,they also said they do not have the legal authority to formally charge the United State and suggest Inter American Commosiion on Human Rites,,,,Sooo we do have a very large organization agreeing,,we are being torture,,,just fyi,,mary

  3. […] Failure … let me count the ways ! […]

  4. Steve speaks the The Truth…until there is unity your word will fall on deaf ears. For those of you that may not know, Steve and one other activist blogger(now retired) were instrumental in bringing a community of healthcare professionals together for a fight that was able to get national attention and some change that continues and is a work in progress.

    I wholeheartedly understand the the battles of the chronic pain community as I served this community for 37 years. This battle must be fought as a united front with everyone’s support and the ability to put your personal story on the back burner to bring awareness to a bigger issue. Thank you Steve for all you do and have done.

  5. Thanks for insulting those who have put there heart and soul in trying to help. So instead of complaining tell us what to do except that we must work together. How do you think we should do that? Where are your answers?. Many of us are doing the best we can dealing with pain everyday and still trying to get the word out about what is happening. I spent 12 hours sitting in not very confortable chair the past 2 days calling people to to vote for a candidate who had the experience to help fix the problem with the health care act and had help start programs here in MN that have helped 1000’sof MN residents. Instead because of last minute smear campaign we ended up with a hateful radio host who feels outlawing sLavery was not enough reason to trample on state rights and women are not capable to think about complex issues like business and all they care about is abortion. So Steve instead at bitching at us tell what we are support to do as individuals. Finally if Trump picks Rudy Giuliani you can forget about getting opiate medication and Kratom because the DEA will be on fire.

    • Agreed,,,however,,I was flippen thru channels this am.and NORMALLY I NEVER WATCH FOX… but,,,they were talking about a website Donald Trump just started…looking for 4,000 people,,,to hire as temerory employees of our government to give ideas about how to help Americans,,ie,”make America great again,”’,,,I have searched the internet,,I do not have facebook or twitter,,,just google,,,does anyone have the email of that site..Heck,,Ill volunteer to get our voice heard finally,,,,if anyone
      finds that site please let me know asap,,,,,thank u,,,,,mary

    • Oh boy ????

  6. DeeAnn calm down we can’t fight with each other ..all we have is each other. Half the time we are in so much pain we do want to scream. But we have to make things work for each other. Give each other some breathing room maybe they are having a bad day.slow down. Please slow me down to when I have a bad day.
    Thank you

  7. The intire community needs to come together to submit their problems for a lawsuit. We will never be strong or get one thing done unless we can put our names in . Our words would help on paper . We need to delagate the work. Put some ideas in as to how to do that. We can try and see what happens maybe we can’t stay on track. The way you get things done is to just keep trying. That’s how people make things work.

  8. Wow you really are insensitive. When you put down the entire pain community with your comments you are failing to realize several things. First, I am a member of several pain support groups, both on line and off and thus far I have seen or heard of zero suicides posted or covered that have been due to pain. I’m not saying they have not occurred. I am sure they have and with the 25% reduction in opiate production mandated by the DEA, I am sure they will increase. Furthermore, I suspect that heroin overdose deaths will also increase nationally the way that they have in Florida with Florida’s stringent laws making obtaining pain relief in a legal manner very difficult. Second, I have only heard of one petition and that was posted by you and I filled it out and also posted it to all of my support groups. I wish I would have know about it earlier on so I could have promoted it more. Unfortunate, several people I communicated with about it feel that the effort is futile. Other petitions have not worked and there are those in office that would and have cast aspersions on those signing these petitions as being addicts that are only seeking to assure their drugs will continue to be available. Third, I was unaware of any legal war chest to hire a law firm to represent pain patients. If I had know, I surely would have contributed. Last, but certainly not least, you seem to think that we are operating on a level playing field, that chronic pain patients are the same as the rest of the population. Although I wish this were true, it simply is not. Everything takes more effort and for many of us it is a struggle to even get out of bed every day especially since the new CDC guidelines and reclassification of hydrocodone have limited access of opiates to those who truly need them. We as pain patients deal with enough grief – unrelenting pain, judgment from physicians, pharmacists and other health care workers not to mention friends and family, we really, really, really DO NOT NEED someone putting us on blast saying all we do is “BITCH…AND MOAN” and judging us as “ANOTHER FAILURE, ANOTHER FAILURE, ANOTHER FAILURE”. If you truly care, than work with us beyond an occasional supportive blog post so that we do have a voice instead of adding another log to the bonfire! We REALLY DON’T NEED IT. We really, really don’t.

    • ditto,,,mary

    • I was just writing to someone about the fight we have and that I (as a guilty one currently) had to back down from this work a while back. But I was giving a little education in my email tonight to this person, and one of the things I said was that when I was with about 35 groups, I would see a post with a cross and saying or photo of a grieving family almost every day from a suicide victim’s actions. There are a lot of them and I am in contact, as is Steve, with many who have seen the same ones. There have been many, many petitions, some by other writers and some by patients and some by groups. I don’t know how you haven’t seen these things if you are in contact online. Yes, the lawsuit fizzled but we don’t know why. It seems to me it was a secretive action by someone who couldn’t give us any information, just that there was going to be a massive law suit and we had to submit our personal information. I suspect the attorney gave up for either lack of funds or some reason why s/he couldn’t help, but we’ll never have the answer to that. Many of us have educated people on signing petitions over the past few years, meaning that they did not have to use their name and that the identity info was private. We got a ton of people who were afraid to sign comfortable with it. Where the petitions ended, I can’t say. Maybe there were too many; maybe they just don’t work but they’ve been around. I do agree with you that Steve’s way of trying to get unification by putting us down and calling us failures does not work. It pushes people away in my experience and makes us feel bad about ourselves. Support and encouragement is always better than blame and shame. Last, I write, and I read what the other authors write, and the comments on my articles and the others always include the bitchers. They are the ones who ask why “we” haven’t done anything about the problem They are the ones who point out the problems then tell us about their ankle pain. The are the ones who seem to think that “they” don’t have to do anything, but “we” are in charge of fixing their problems. Those comments are puzzling and aggravating. While that’s part of the failure, there again, I believe encouragement is what is necessary. You educate them on what to do and try to get them involved. That’s my comment,

      • Ditto,,,,I am kinda surprise at Mr.Areins comments as well,,,but his ball,,he can take it and go home if he wishes….However,,,no-one knows better then us chronic physical pain humanbeings about brushing our knees off and getten back up and trying again,,WE DO IT EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!!U know 2 nights ago around 1 am,,u know how well we chronic physical pain peop[le sleep,rite,,,well there was a post on his bogg,,,it was a chronic physical pain human being who’s original post stated,”if I make it thru the nite,”being forced to endure this physical pain because my medicines have been forcible taken,,This poster went on to write he/ she did want to live in this forced physical pain anymore,and that he/she would make sure everyone knew he/she did not o.d. because he/she was a idiot,,but because he/she meds were forcible taken via the dea closing down their pain clinic,,,The conversation went ito,how they refuse to document our deaths as death due to untreated physical pain,,,that his death would be recorded as a opiate o.d.,,thus do us more harm then good,,My point being,,this blog,,saves people lives,,it allows us as a oppressed group of people to swap out ideas and makes us all aware we are not alone in our quest to stop this torture and genocide,,It allows us to be aware,,we are not thee only ones suffering,,that others are suffering just as much as I am,,,For me,,its like thee under ground railroad, of our times,,WE will get it rite,,something WILL stick to a wall sooner or latter,,,We have called our congressmen/women,,,For me,,I don’t drive in fear of a dui,,I aint got 12,000 bucks to bail my ass out of jail,,,we have and are trying to get ourselves help,,,,its just our government REFUSES to hear us,,IT NOT THAT WERE NOT SCREAMING.. we are,,but our government has been deaf to our physical suffering,,I believe,,it is physically impossible for another to physically feel the physical pain of another,,thus,,,someone whom does NOT have physical pain on their own body ever single minute of their days,,doesn’t get it,,,They don’t physical feel what we feel,,,it impossible,,,thus,,,impossible for them to understand how we feel..Kinda like a guy telling a pregnant women given birth,,,quit whining,,,jmo,,mary

  9. Yep. FB is ruining us in more ways than one. And believe me, I’m guilty. BUT I also watch and read legitimate news, got to DC annually to advocate for migraine, volunteered time and money to the Rally Against Pain, and have a relationship with my Rep’s staff. I just sent them an update about the “opioid crisis” and plan to talk to them in DC and locally again in Feb. FB is almost as bad as reality tv.

  10. It’s just so heart-breaking to see the huge divide. I see so many group pages on Facebook and I don’t understand why. They start in one group and then go start a group of their own.
    I’ve seen U. S. Pain organization put out many articles requesting pain patients to unite to no avail.
    Do people just want somewhere to complain, moan and groan?
    As VP of Central Pain Syndrome Foundation, I constantly read, connect and network with other patients and advocates; I like you, have noticed this great divide.
    If I could just get on a mountain top to shout it out to the masses! But would they hear me? Would they even care?

  11. This is this is why we fail the DEA knows this to. We don’t get it .we can’t get together so we can stop the people hurting us. It will never happen unless we understand this. They are killing us.

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