Fake Book – claiming that more of my posts go against their community standards

Of course they won’t show me which comments that they consider go against their community standards and of course can’t appeal their opinions/edicts.

I could not even allow you to take a screen shot of the notice and trying to open it GOES NO WHERE…I guess they think that most of their supporters are working off their smart phones … but in my case they were wrong…

I work off a laptop and have a smart phone – and I  am smart enough to take a picture of my laptop screen and move the picture to my laptop.

Maybe this graphic might suggests where they keep a copy of their community standards.

Of course, from I can find out this is all the actions of RICHARD MARK and his harem of minions filling untold number of complaints with FAKE BOOK about my blog was a scammer..  Because Richard Mark – I am told – got pissed at me over a post I made TWO YEARS AGO….

From what I am told is that Richard Mark is now homeless and in the hospital and the FBI has interviewed at least two of the chronic pain pts who he conned/scammed money out of, by FBI agents.  I have been told that even his girlfriend/wife has turned him in…trying to CYA herself.  All his conning/scamming chronic pain pts – he may end up with THREE HOTS AND A COT

6 Responses

  1. I too am on a suspension now myself and like you, I have no way of finding out what it is that I did wrong in their eyes to learn from “my errors in their viewpoints” to refrain in the future. Yet just in court this past week Fakebook admitted that the fact checking is in fact an “OPINION” and not an actual fact so I do not know how it can be held up in court as a legal fact check under that statement made by FAKEBOOK.

  2. He nicked me for $80 and said he’d return it…I’m still waiting!

  3. Well I’ll be damned. I thought something was terribly wrong in Richard Mark’s head a long, long time ago. Thank you Steve, you confirmed my suspicions on that Weirdo. I always thought what kinda person would go on Facebook and and WHINE In front of the World like that, there had to be a SCAM somewhere . He should be put in a mental institution jail for Scamming and Ripping so many people Off.
    Fakebook, I mean FEDBOOK is a Lying Piece of Crap.
    I’m so Damned glad I left it Long Ago. Lots of people are being kicked off there now for telling Truth and when it becomes Childish Metaverse I pray it Flops in Zuckerberg FACE and HE Loses Everything.

  4. I gave money to that SOB after showing my husband one of his videos of his “suffering” in his bed. We felt so bad for him at the time. I’m so pissed to find all of this out. He DOES deserve some horrible pain. I remember his story about getting kicked out of his house and living in his car or van while fighting for medical treatment in bitter cold Colorado. My mind is fuzzy so I might not have it totally right. I also got flipped off when I said something about one of his “My Story” on Fakebook. I think it was a painting or something. So long ago, I don’t remember it all.

    Now I know why, when I comment on your posts, even right now, it says “Not Secure” at the top of the page. I can’t believe one lying SOB has that much power! Is he still on Fakebook?

    Steve, I’m going to reply to your email with a picture I found ON FAKEBOOK! I posted it on my timeline and didn’t go to jail! I’ve got quite the FB rap sheet I wear it as a badge of honor. It means I’m on the RIGHT side of things. I feel like hell but this was a nice diversion. I’m just sorry that he’s gotten away with all he has! Thank God I don’t have much money so I didn’t send him more than $20. I’ll email you the picture I found and posted, tonight if I can’t sleep. It’ll blow your mind that I’m not in Fakebook jail after that!!

  5. Don’t feel alone Steve. But keep fighting. The whole country is going this way. I never ever in my life thought our country would degrade this way. Please God help us.

  6. He said he was a surgical assistant. He really didn’t talk like one. Whatever he was, I think his devotion to true medicine is ZERO. It’s yet another measure of the GREED that reside in many places today and resists the true effort to recover medicinal opiates.

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