FDA Hints It May Look Into Marijuana Health Claims

FDA Hints It May Look Into Marijuana Health Claims


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration may start cracking down on claims that marijuana has health benefits that haven’t been proven, the agency’s commissioner said Tuesday.

 “I see people who are developing products who are making claims that marijuana has antitumor effects in the setting of cancer,” FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb said at a hearing before Congress on a separate matter. “It’s a much broader question about where our responsibility is to step into this.”
 It’s high time to start looking at rules around the plant, which some states have legalized for medicinal or recreational use, the commissioner said.
 “We’ll have some answers to this question very soon because I think we do bear some responsibility to start to address these questions,” Gottlieb said.

One Response

  1. If the State were compelled to be 100% truthfl and transparent about agendas and motives, the statement would be along the lines of, “We’re missing out here on a gold mine of expansion of power and increased tax revenues, fees, fines and other revenue sources.”

    Another take that has almost as much validity is that we will look at these claims and we have determined to already state the Cannabis Sp. have absolutely no medical utility that is equal to or better than existing agents that we have crafted our regulations to protect our bedmates in this incestuous State-Private Industry paradigm (Incestuous because it seems that Big Pharma and the FDA have a metaphorical underground transit system that ferries the Human Labor and IP managed resource back and forth between the two institutions as either incoming or outgoing emplo, aka yees).

    The predetermined conclusion will support the DEA’s long held set of prevarications and will allow the CDC to step in and further bolster the State’s repression of the issue and it’s opponents, crafting a new facet on this flawed chunk of cubic zirconium, aka another horrible, society destroying health crisis…kinda like the semisynthetic opioid crisis. \

    Perhaps these are the first stirrings of an unholy trinity of State Bureaucracies whose mission is to further create the kinds of lies that that was the Third Reich’s equivalent of the Public Support lubricant. Specifically, “If one tells a lie, make it big and tell it so often that after a while, the deception will be embraced and supported as the truth”.

    Still, I favor the first posited agenda, as the FDA has far greater pull for getting the DEA to share it’s favorite “chew toy” and the end goals will be to create a Cannabis based pharmaceutical under the classification of a Biosynthetic Drug. “Don’t Panic”, as is advised right on the cover of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”. If the present regulatory verbiage does not seem to qualify, the FDA, like any other head on the State’s Hydra can and does create fiat law extra constitutionally with its regulations.

    Government Bureaucracies create regulations to enforce what Congress passes into law. These Regulations, by means of their manifold rewrites, have often been reinterpreted so many times, that they bear little to no resemblance to the actual law they represent.
    The regulations are constantly tweaked and modified to fit most any scenario and all any agency has to do is write the modified or reformulated regulation and then publish it 90 days (as I recall) in advance for comment by the public….and voila, there we have a new law that was not subject to any of the U&C process of what the Constitution required. That’s how the FDA’s anachronistic, Single Molecular Entity model will be circumvented and the approval of the IND and the very lucrative “Marketing Exclusivity associated with it granted to the highest bidder. My guess would be Pfizer now that I see that Sildenafil (Viagra) has gone generic. lol

    One last thing…..Was this an attempt at humor or is it just another example of how clueless and out of touch with the real world that such bureaucratic heads are?, “It’s high time to start looking at rules around the plant, which some states have legalized for medicinal or recreational use, the commissioner said”.

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