FDA may let patients buy drugs without prescriptions

Here is a article from the WASHINGTON TIMES

When you read into the article you discover the underlying reason for this change

By removing the prescription requirement from popular drugs, the Obama administration could ease financial pressures on the overburdened Medicare system by paying for fewer doctor visits and possibly opening the door to make seniors pay a larger share of the cost of their medications.

And they expect these Medicare/Medicaid patients to : Under the changes that the agency is considering, patients could diagnose their ailments by answering questions online or at a pharmacy kiosk in order to buy current prescription-only drugs for conditions such as high cholesterol, certain infections, migraine headaches, asthma or allergies.

I don’t know about you… but how many people in this population will be able to use such software without assistance?

Does anyone …other than me.. see a huge problem with this process?


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