Kim Kardashian Warning Highlights FDA’s Social Media Problem
I am not a Kim Kardashian fan or follower… but.. this is another example of how “nuts” many of our Federal Regulators are .. the medication that Kim did a posting on social media is about a anti-nausea mediation that she is taking Diclegis. This medication is a combination of Doxylamine – a OTC anti-histamine – with no pregnancy warning and Vit B6.. again with no pregnancy warning.. Sure, she probably made money by doing this.. but.. IMO this is splitting hairs about including the warnings that are the product label in a 140 character tweet ?
Filed under: General Problems
Isn’t that the old Bendectin medication that was used for morning sickness til at least the 80s when it was questionable about birth defects???? Because after it was pulled, we had pregnant women coming into the store purchasing the ingredients separately…doxylamine was the main ingredient in most OTC sleep aids back then.