A cape of pain wrapped around your shoulders. And occasional bladder and bowel control issues for good measure.
Filed under: General Problems
“The moral test of a government is how it treats those who are at the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the aged; and those who are in the shadow of life, the sick and the needy, and the handicapped.” – Hubert Humphrey
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Thank you! I have post traumatic Syringomyelia. It’s a nightmare.. to say the least. I say thank you because here in the States there is little known, taught or understood in the medical community. Most of us have had Neurologist argue that it doesn’t cause pain, all symptoms are never due to the syrinx(s). In my case, my vision is occasionally blurry, I also experience pain, migraines, seizure like symptoms, and occasional balance and never issues. The lovely list goes on. Thank you for asking for compassion for us all with invisible illnesses. 🙂 On behalf of us all, thank you! A sadly needed request to be made. Too often I have to remind those of us with sm to, “Understand they don’t understand.” But easier said than done. I was a nurse. I never needed my patience illness to give them the utmost love and compassion. Anyway, I mainly wanted to just day thank you on behalf of us all! God bless!! P.s. We need Dr.s that understand, are more aware.:( Just the other day we lost a beautiful 27*** yr. old far* too* young of a lady. One too many! </3 TY!
Love this so well said, so down to earth too, for those who just don’t ” get it”!! Thank you.
I also suffer from SM, over 8 yrs. now, had decompression done twice & my surgeon doesn’t believe in shunts either, can’t wait for more from you Ken McKim.
I have Syringomyelia myself and It Is Extremely Painful . Unfortunately, not many physicians, Nurses & medical personnel are aware of Syringomyelia in general.
A group called “Worldwide Syringomyelia & Chiari Task Force Inc. Is trying to spread Greater Awareness. It was started by Beth Nyguen.
Thanks Steve !
There’s a lot of support, info on this page. Glad you brought it up: ) xhugsx