Filed under: General Problems
“The moral test of a government is how it treats those who are at the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the aged; and those who are in the shadow of life, the sick and the needy, and the handicapped.” – Hubert Humphrey
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I’m sorry . But I firmly believe in the Constitution that our founding fathers of this country designed. If those who don’t want to abide by the United States of America’s Constitution and traditions? Then they shouldn’t be here. They need go to the country that has your beliefs and follow they’re Constitution IF they even have one! The USA founding fathers who created The Constitution and Bill of Rights for Freedom, Liberty and Justice for all were Christians. This has always been a Christian nation and THAT’S WHY THIS land has been
Blessed by God who made it furtile soil and plenty of water for those living here to thrive and so many wanted to come here. We don’t go to others countries and change their Constitution or beliefs.
If you take God/ Jesus Christ out of this country? Its going to Fall into Communism. We will and are losing OUR Blessings. Satan’s One- new world order.
I am ashamed of the doctrine being pushed today. This Ruining of our statue’s and history?
Pisses me OFF and turns those who shed BLOOD for THIS Country all done for NOTHING.
Done all in vain and a lie.
SHAME on the Democrats. That party has changed to EVIL .
Read that Constitution, Proud American Veteran, and you will find no mention of god with the exception of the date – day of our lord, etc. The “in god we trust” was added to our money in the 1950s. This is NOT a Christian Nation. It’s a nation made up of Christians, Jews, etc. I read somewhere recently that their are 70 something different faiths practiced here. Even atheists are Good Americans.
In our country, we have separation of church & state. All religions are welcomed and practiced in this country; however, the government must remain neutral on matters of faith. Does this mean I am not welcome because I’m a secular humanist? What a sad thought.