3 Responses

  1. I wouldn’t say that the health care system works in the UK and Canada when it can take months to get an appointment with an oncologist. I had better health care back when I had no insurance than I do now because doctors actually cared about their path! The affordable health care was supposed to make health care available to all but I am watching my daughter die by inches because she doesn’t qualify for ANY health care programs. She has uncontrolled diabetes, hep c, severe rheumatoid arthritis,as well as other physical and emotional disabilities. Even programs that provide free or lower cost insulin you have to see a doctor every month in order to access and no doctors will see her without insurance! Give me back doctors who CARE!

  2. I don’t know. We have something wrong with the way the doctors care for people in this country. There seems to be no caring for the people it’s all about how much money can I make off this person. What a mess. This information came from a doctor.oh well.
    My doctor pretty much dumped me . No time for sick people. If they can get away from you in less than five minutes. It’s ok to keep you.

  3. We need UNIVERSAL,affordable,health care.End of story! This mess will never be solved with the piecemeal patch it up approach.It works in Canada,it works in the U.k.,and it could work here.The issue isn’t higher taxes,the issue is politicians wasting the tax money we already pay.If we can give Israel 39 billion for more weapons of death,if we can spend trillions tearing apart the Middle East,then we can,or should beable to,implement a workable affordable health care system.Our for profit,insurance dominated,manipulated,system,will never improve enough to take care of 300 million people as long as corruption and greed is the goal,and not the true welfare of the people.

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