Four Ways Pharmacists Are Fighting Opioid Abuse

Greater awareness of the dangers posed by prescription opioids is changing pharmacy practice.

Efforts to address the opioid epidemic are as complex as the problem, with involvement ranging from government agencies to state pharmacy boards to addiction specialists to medical professionals.

Pharmacists may be the first to suspect opioid abuse and misuse, and many have altered the way they interact with patients who take opioids. Studies have found that pharmacists say the epidemic has changed the way they counsel patients about pain management and potential problems.

Refusing to fill a prescription“A growing awareness of the dangers posed by prescription opioids seems to be leading to more proactive discussions between pharmacists and patients regarding this issue,” says Lucas Hill, PharmD, BCPS, BCACP, clinical assistant professor at the University of Texas at Austin College of Pharmacy.

Here are some of the biggest ways pharmacy practice is changing.

1. Adopting New Protocols

Some chain and independent pharmacies are implementing policy changes to protect patients and pharmacists. CVS, for example, has strengthened counseling for patients filling a first-time opioid prescription.

“During this counseling, our pharmacists will talk to the patient about the recommendations from the CDC around opioid use,” says Tom Davis, RPh, vice president for pharmacy professional services at CVS Pharmacy. “The key message to patients initiating opioid treatment for an acute use is to use the lowest effective dose for the shortest possible duration of time. Pharmacists will also talk to patients about the importance of safely storing and appropriately disposing of opioids to prevent misuse or diversion.”

CVS uses the CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain to frame its prescribing policy, limiting the supply of opioids dispensed for certain acute prescriptions to seven days for patients new to the therapy.

Related article: The Other Side of Opioid Limits

“The program also employs MME [morphine milligram equivalent] limits consistent with the CDC Guidelines,” Davis tells Drug Topics. “And, it requires the use of immediate-release formulations of opioids before extended-release opioids are dispensed.” These changes went into effect in September 2017.

Tana Kaefer, PharmD, clinical coordinator at Bremo Pharmacies in Richmond, VA, says her protocol is to emphasize opioid alternatives. “If the patient gets two prescriptions, one for ibuprofen and one for an opioid, I may tell them to try the ibuprofen first.”

Kaefer also lets her patients know their options so they don’t have extra medication in the house, such as by only filling part of a prescription. Laws in Virginia allow pharmacists to split the prescription, for example, dispensing five pills when 10 are prescribed and having the patient come back if more are needed.

Insurance barriersShe also tells patients how to correctly dispose of leftovers. “We know this is a huge problem if medication is left in the medicine cabinet and other people come into the house looking for it,” she says.

2. Embracing a Team-Based Approach

Teamwork is helping reduce opioid abuse in hospital and long-term care settings, says Deb Pasko, PharmD, MHA, director of medication safety and quality with ASHP. Doctors, nurses, and pharmacists work together to determine and monitor the optimal medication for patients, and respond quickly when changes are needed. “We may have a trauma patient come into the ER who has acute needs, then go to the operating room and need a high dosage, then on to intensive care,” says Pasko.

She says pharmacists should help decide what medication is indicated, the best interval, and identify any potential interactions. They can also help determine if patients should continue receiving opioids, if medication should be tapered, or if an alternative should be considered. 

3. Using PDMPs

More than two dozen states now require pharmacists to check prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs). These electronic databases that track controlled substance prescriptions are among the most promising state-level interventions to improve opioid prescribing, inform clinical practice, and protect patients at risk, according to the CDC.A brief history of opioidsClick to expand

“For me the prescription monitoring program is very helpful,” says Kaefer. “If I have concerns it allows me to see the bigger picture of a patient. I can see if a patient is visiting other pharmacies. I find it very helpful that I can connect to other states.”

There have been “remarkable successes” in controlling the prescribing and dispensing of controlled substances, particularly opioids, when PDMPs are accessed, says Carmen Catizone, RPh, MS, DPh, executive director of the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy.

As more states embrace PDMPs, their potential to help curb the epidemic is growing. Promising developments in PDMPs, according to the CDC, include:

  • More seamlessly integrating them into electronic health records
  • Permitting physicians to delegate PDMP access to other allied health professionals in their office (physician assistants and nurse practitioners)
  • Streamlining the process for providers to register with the PDMP.

While monitoring is helping decrease the abuse of prescription opioids, some industry experts fear it may be contributing to more dangerous practices among abusers. In the last few years, overdoses from illicit opioids, such as heroin and fentanyl, have skyrocketed.

“The most serious concern about [PDMP] implementation is that it could push people who are misusing prescription opioids to an illicit drug market that is flooded with ultra-potent fentanyls.” says Hill. “In my opinion, that isn’t an argument against [PDMPs] so much as an argument for expanded access to evidence-based treatment with methadone and buprenorphine.”

4. Preparing for Worst-Case Scenarios

Expanding pharmacists’ authority to administer and dispense opioid-reversing medications such as naloxone may help pharmacists prevent patient overdoses from legal and illegal drugs.

Some states permit pharmacists to dispense naloxone through a collaborative practice agreement. In states where pharmacists can prescribe naloxone, they must complete training provided by their employer or a local school of pharmacy.

“This initiative requires significant outreach to pharmacists, patients and caregivers, first responders, and legislators,” says Catizone. “Besides educating people on when and how to properly administer such medications, there is the need to educate stakeholders and naysayers about addiction as a disease and not a stigma or indictment of an individual.” 

More legislation empowering pharmacists, caregivers, and first responders to ensure the widespread availability of naloxone and other similar products across all states would help save many lives, Catizone says.

“Until the number of patients who are at risk or dying from the use and abuse of opioids is zero or as close to zero as humanly possible,” Catizone says, “there is much more than can be done by pharmacists, pharmacy boards, and other stakeholders.

Isn’t it amazing, Pharmacists are suppose to be scientists … suppose to be “drug experts”… here we have a article about them individually and collectively ignoring some of the basics of opiates used to treat pain.

It starts out with the apparent unquestionable belief that all of those opiate conversion tablets are an “exact science”.. apparently most/many/all have not read the “fine print” on these website.. here is just one “warning” from one such conversion websites Published equianalgesic ratios are considered crude estimates at best and therefore it is imperative that careful consideration is given to individualizing the dose of the selected opioid. Dosage titration of the new opioid should be completed slowly and with frequent monitoring. 

Then there is this … pharmacists should help decide what medication is indicated, the best interval, and identify any potential interactions I wonder if when a pharmacist is to this evaluation – of subjective pain – and probably has no idea of the pt’s CYP-450 opiate metabolism rate status and those with a fast/ultra fast metabolism.. may or may not get an appropriate dose… since it doesn’t conform to the “cookie cutter” dosing guidelines that has been established as a standard of care and/or best practices within the hospital.

Then there is the apparent belief that the data within the PMP is infallible and no pts/diverters/abusers would present a fake/forged/stolen ID when they have a prescription filled.

If only those who are professing in trying to help pain pts and don’t know all the rules.. especially when they are dealing with treating a subjective disease.

2 Responses

  1. Good points Aimee.
    I can’t wait if a pharmacist has to counsel me or another person like me. I was on pain meds for 16 year’s successfully. Due to my wishes I tapered off and quit pain management last year. I could no longer afford the ever smaller doses and the ridiculous regulations were such a hassel. Also my husband and I both could’nt afford the testing, monthly office visits and pills. Since I am ” the better” of the two of us I quit.This is what working union job and working all your life gets you in America. Yeah pharmacist counsel me on pain meds if I ever need them again. Like any of this bull will stop the drug addicts. Come on.

  2. This causes great grief to our office daily. Now, pharmacies who have known patients literally for many years won’t fill their opiate Rx’s unless we fill in the DOB and address FOR them. These can be small community pharmacies who obviously know the patient but create barriers to filling Rx’s. And we’ve had our share of pharmacists deciding to make such recommendations about trying NSAIDs first–do they spend 30-60 minutes with each patient? Do they know their personal history? No. NSAIDs as a global deterrent to use of opiates? Will that pharmacist deal with the GI bleed that ensues when that patient has been frightened into using just ibuprofen in high dose rather than a reasonable combination? The arrogance, the attitude, the gall of these people to take it upon themselves to “counsel” patients about the CDC guidelines that are based in NOTHING scientific. I know I’m preaching to the choir but this is every day—every day we’re getting phone calls to “validate” Rx’s that have been stable for YEARS. The pharmacy holds the Rx, refusing to fill unless it’s “validated” (never mind they scan them in and can match handwriting and see it’s a valid Rx, the same Rx they’ve filled MONTHLY). This is the insidious and very effective way to deter doctors from writing opiates. Our phone lines and faxes are clogged with redundant requests/demands, patients panicking because their meds might be late, and our front desk staff having to stop what they’re doing to attend to these matters. It becomes economically very undesirable to have so many resources dedicated to redundant busy-work, and it adds to burnout when you know you’re just being screwed with. I have grown to hate pharmacists (with some very big exceptions) who often enjoy their ability to wield this kind of power. Pain management was never an easy profession, but it’s becoming dreadful, and all as a result of very intentional actions on the part of regulators. Maybe a pharmacist can tell me how to get my blood pressure back down….

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