From the “Horse’s mouth” on the “CDC GUIDELINES”

stevemailboxDr. Houry response

This is a letter from the head of the CDC in response to a inquiry from a healthcare professional concerning the real details of the CDC guidelines on opiate dosing.

The guidelines DO NOT BEAR THE WEIGHT OF LAW… but that does not mean that certain state bureaucrats and/or Federal bureaucrats will take these guidelines and jump to the presumption that they should bear the weight of law.

In some of the “bureaucratic fiefdoms” that some bureaucrats oversee .. like the VA healthcare system… interpretations of guidelines become the rule over all they oversee.

Only Congress can create laws… and it is the regulators (our shadow government) that write regulations from those laws.. but.. for these regulators to take “guidelines” from other regulators/agencies and start creating new regulations as they would as if it was a law passed by Congress.. they have clearly stepped over stepped their legal authority.. BUT.. unfortunately the only way that they are pushed back to where they have authority may take a legal route.


4 Responses

  1. This dosen’ resolve anything! People have died because of these power hungry, greedy group of insolence. There is no excuse for the cost it has had on our society. It has had irreversible damage.

  2. Dear Dr. Houry:

    “our aim is to focus on addressing the needs of patients living with chronic pain”

    Seriously? How so? Are you providing access to affordable treatment alternatives? Are you trying to tell us that there is scientific evidence which shows there is an alternative treatment that works as well and for as many patients as opioids? Do you think we’re stupid?

    If the CDC guidelines are so voluntary, why has the VA been following them before they were even released? When doctors abandon pain patients using the excuse of the CDC guidelines, what is the CDC going to do about it?

    Will calling the suicide hotline help me manage my constant pain, Dr. Houry? No? Is there anything else you’d like to recommend?

    • U should read Steve other article,,a survey of 53,000,,,where they concluded opiates do not work for physical pain at all,,and we are allll unemployed thieves,,,Title ”Most people who mis-use opiates,etc”,,,that also was very disturbing to read,,,maryw

  3. It would be a lot easier and less complicated if the CDC would write an addendum stating the very same thing mentioned above. That alone would clarify that it has not been enacted into law. It has been very upsetting and mind-boggling that regulators in all states have interpreted “guidelines” as a law enacted by Congress.

    Lisa Davis Budzinski
    VP of CPSFoundation
    Stroke & Cancer survivor

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