Do new pharmacists face a joblessness crisis?

From the article:

Brown predicts a stark market correction. “New PharmD and/or residency graduates will not be the only victims of academic overgrowth. The academy itself will suffer repercussions. Awareness of new graduate joblessness will eventually lead to a decrease in applications to pharmacy colleges and schools, making it more difficult to meet enrollment targets,” the report said. “Risks of diminished enrollment will jeopardize anticipated tuition revenue that has been counted on to fund faculty positions and/or new facilities. Economic pressures may inevitably force downsizing of programs, if not outright closing of some colleges and schools. If that occurs, some faculty positions likely will be lost.”
If you are reading this.. and you are in high school thinking about going to pharmacy school.. or a Freshman or Sophomore in college header for a PharmD degree… do a 180 degree turn and RUN LIKE HELL !  The promises of a work life utopia .. IS A MIRAGE !

2 Responses

  1. Priscilla, you are 100% right on. Not only does the PIC monitor for everything, but is encouraged to view the security tapes to see why the “older” folks are not meeting the metrics. (Maybe because we want to actually read the prescriptions and counsel patients for more than 10 seconds!) Those new grads will be in the same shoes one day and all the clinical knowledge in the world won’t save them.

  2. The scary trend is the grads get hired, the forty year old pharmacist gets fired, See it all the time. All to close to me, all around me. They put the older person to float, pick the dangerous stores, have the PIC monitor closely for typos, they write you up and fire you. The younger new hire gets set hours in one store. See it all the time here in Virginia, Maryland and DC. So they may have jobs, for a little while anyways!

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