stevemailboxDear Steve:  I wrote to you once before and so appreciated your kindness.

Our whole town has been “shut down” from receiving doctor prescribed opiates.
The pharmacies have targeted 1 particular doctor who is an old school board certified orthopedic surgeon, he now deals only with pain consulting.
About 1 year ago, CVS said they would fill no more of his prescriptions, no specific reason was given but it applies to all CVS s in the country.
There are only 4 pharmacies in our town.  Rite Aid and Pharmacia stated they would only fill the prescriptions again from this doctor to their “long time” customers as they only got a certain amount and they were saving them for those people.
So Safeway was our only place.  They recently got a new manager who doesn’t like the way he writes his prescriptions and arbitrarily decided she wont fill any of his either.  My sister went to a Safeway in another town and they were fine with filling her prescriptions, but apparently between dropping them off and picking them up the pharmacist  must have spoken with the Safeway here so when she went to get them she was handed back the prescriptions and told they didn’t like the way they were written.  My sister asked the pharmacist to please put down on paper what it was she wanted so she could show the doctor and have them written that way.  The pharmacist refused.
When a friend was recently turned down at Safeway (I taped the conversation) she told the pharmacist I am on disability and have a progressive spinal disease he said “I don’t care” and hung up on her.  What can we do?  This doctor has many patients lots of them who are old and quite disabled.  I myself cannot function without my pain medication and am very scared.  Do you have any ideas?  I live in Sonoma, CA 
Another day … another email from chronic pain pts who are being denied care… by either practitioners and/or pharmacists. I am concerned that those who are trying to give pain a voice are speaking in a WHISPER or the drone of those anti-opiate groups (DEA/CDC/FDA etc..etc) is so loud and/or have had the attention of others in the media for so long that they are basically “brain dead” emptyheadto any other opinion or can’t distinguish between all the FACTOIDS they have been fed all these years and the REAL FACTS ?
Is it time to stop using just our voices and get out the megaphone and find some civil rights attorneys to speak for the chronic pain community ?

3 Responses

  1. Dear Steve:
    Please ask the writer from Sonoma, to contact attorney Larry Klayman, in Washington DC, for information on how to join his RICO lawsuit and name Safeway Corporation as a co-defendant.

    The case Klayman is bringing, alleges that the Johnson & Johnson company have engaged in a pattern of racketeering activity, involving bribery, conspiracy, corruption, obstruction of justice, unlawful restraint of trade, perjury, wire fraud, stock fraud, and mail fraud, among other predicate acts, to obstruct thousands of people injured by fluoroquinoline antibiotics, from bringing suit.

    Central to the alleged RICO conspiracy, is an alleged effort to slander and libel every patient whose nerves were damaged by the Johnson & Johnson drug and now suffers chronic pain, to obstruct those patients from obtaining awards of civil damages for the injuries they suffered. The RICO conspiracy is alleged to consist, in part, in an effort to induce potential jurors to believe that chronic pain can not exist…and that therefore, the harm their drug is accused of causing, cannot really have happened.

    Larry Klayman believes this to constitute an obstruction of justice.

    I believe that this patient who wrote to you, is suffering collateral damage from the alleged racketeering conspiracy. The reason I believe that, is that I can see no other reason why such a massive effort would be expended, by pharmacies, government agencies, and media organs, to suppress the use of pain-relieving drugs and to slander chronic pain patients, were there not some person or group with enough to gain from the effort, to be willing to make that effort.

    That is to say, this patient does not complain of being harmed by Levaquin. But the Johnson & Johnson company’s efforts to slander all Levaquin victims, as “druggies” who aren’t really in pain, has harmed everyone with chronic pain from every possible cause. Accordingly, Johnson & Johnson may be liable for 3x actual damages to every chronic pain patient so affected by their alleged Levaquin cover-up, even if those patients never took Levaquin.

    This is precisely the kind of terroristic, Mafia-like misconduct, that the RICO act was written to prohibit. These patients deserve their day in court, and Johnson & Johnson must answer the allegations.

    Please pass this along to the patient who wrote you.

    Bob Schubring

  2. I totally agree with you Steve, we need to start shouting before it gets any worse. We need a forum for all who have been denied so that a class action can be filed. The problem is right now that there are way too many pages on social media and this confusion keeps everyone from organizing.
    Does anyone have any ideas on how to get organized? With this problem getting worse by the day we need to act fast.

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