Gov. Walker calls special session on opioid bills: “This isn’t somebody else’s problem”
MADISON— Governor Scott Walker is calling a special legislative session to pass a package of bills designed to curb heroin and opioid abuse. Walker has a long list of plans, but one idea — drug testing high school athletes — isn’t on it.
As the Legislature returned to Madison, top Republicans couldn’t name what would become their top priority legislation.
With this executive order, Governor Walker is essentially saying “I’ve got some ideas for you.”
“There`s a lot of time for members in general to focus on a legislative agenda. This is a legislative agenda,” Governor Walker said.
Governor Walker’s 11 requests came from a new report from a task force.
The Governor’s Task Force on Opioid Abuse made a number of recommendations to lawmakers. The task force wants school nurses to be able to give the heroin-fighting drug Naloxone to students who are overdosing in school. The task force has called for more funding for “recovery coaches” in hospital emergency rooms. Walker would also require prescriptions for medicines containing codeine, and he backs limited immunity for people who overdose, to encourage friends and family to call 911.
Governor Scott Walker
Governor Walker said opiate prescriptions have fallen 10 percent in a year’s time — crediting lawmakers’ previous efforts to fight addiction.
“Treatment works. It’s not 100 percent, but it works,” Rep. John Nygren, R-Marinette said.
“This isn`t somebody else`s problem. This is an issue that at some point or another will affect all of us or the loved ones that we have in our own circle of friends or family,” Walker said.
Rep. John Nygren
Additionally, Walker said he wants the University of Wisconsin System starting a recovery school; to allocate money for the rural hospital graduate medical training program; more state drug agents; and a consultation service to connect medical professionals with addiction medicine specialists.
Walker said he expects people to wean themselves off painkillers. He said his adult son used Advil instead of prescription drugs after getting his wisdom teeth out recently.
“As patients, we need to take on some of the responsibility of that as well and not just put the pressure on health care professionals to prescribe, prescribe, prescribe,” Walker said.
The task force did not recommend high schools drug test their athletes as a Republican state lawmaker proposed before pulling back when Walker and Assembly Speaker Robin Vos said they didn’t support the idea.
The Legislature is already in session, but a special session order allows lawmakers to operate under different rules that make passing bills easier.
The governor also typically uses a special session call to draw attention to issues.
According to a spokesman, Vos expects to have Assembly committees taking up Walker’s bills by the end of January.
Assembly Speaker Robin Vos
Below is a statement from Vos’ spokeswoman, Kit Beyer:
“A special session puts a priority on the proposed legislation by allowing for a more expeditious legislative process. It also draws more attention to an important problem that has become a health crisis in the state.
The Speaker looks forward to continuing to pass legislation to fight the opioid epidemic and hopes to have bills taken up in committee by the end of the month.
As you may recall, the HOPE Agenda produced 17 bills in the past two sessions, which received widespread support and have made an impact.”
Peter Barca
Top Assembly Democrat Peter Barca said the special session was “warranted” — issuing this statement to FOX6 News:
“The opioid epidemic in our state is a very serious issue that requires a very aggressive response. I hope the committees will collect input from those who know this issue firsthand—from law enforcement, to educators, to medical professionals—as this will help us address this crisis in the most comprehensive manner possible.
The urgency of this special session is warranted, and I hope Gov. Walker takes the same approach to other incredibly significant issues facing Wisconsin families right now, including rebuilding the most diminished middle class in the country. As elected officials, we need to do everything we can to address those who are hurting.”
Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald
Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald said it could take some time before they get voted on.
Below is a statement from Fitzgerald’s spokeswoman, Myranda Tanck:
“We look forward to working with the Governor to expand on the HOPE legislation passed over the last two legislative sessions to continue to fight to address Wisconsin’s growing heroin and opiate epidemic.
As far as timeline: we had a Senator call the Senate into special session today and adjourn until January 10 as the call began today at 11:00. The procedure will be relatively unchanged going forward; each of the enumerated bills appears to still be in LRB form and will need to be introduced, assigned bill numbers, circulated for cosponsors, and referred to committee. As that process continues we will have a better idea of when these bills will be on the floor. As of right now we have not scheduled any additional floor days but the special session does allow us to come in any business day until the special session is closed.”
Filed under: General Problems
This is bullshit..stop catering to these kids. I get to pay for this buy being deined my pain medication and being treated by pain management that knows nothing about a rare disease I have and am subject to higher medical bills drug testing Dr’s being non caring all because some stuipd kids want to do drugs .. and they are street drugs pleasr build a wall. People are dieing commenting sucide over not being treated as humans. You are sick when you hurt the disabled in American. I hope you never endure the pain and the suffering I have and I hope you would do the right thing by leaving my Drs to be a Dr because pain management does not address the needs of critically ill. They only overdosed me with alternative medications and made me sicker …and who represents me ??? No your too buzy catering to junkies and their entitled brats. Thats the truth I wish I had 5 mintues with WHO….thanks thanks for your laws that have made me more disabled then I was and your great alternative treatment of off labeled steriod injections that caused me to have AVN …your great ideas crippled me.
pss i have requested a copy of these bills,,,for i know theor sneaking something in there to arrest our doctors via Health and Human services,,,that what they did in W.V.,,,,sooo,,anyone from wisco we need a lawsuit,,yesterday,,,Also,,Govenor Walker stated everyone needs to wean THEMSELVES off of opiates,,,talk about practicing medicine w/out a liscence,,,!!!!If they would not refuse to fill a legal prescription for insulin then they are discriminating against us for NOT filling our meds,,,imaryw
Amy, I am sorry they treated you like this. Will the doctor write you another script to take to a different pharmacy? It seems like these days a pharmacist can practice medicine and there isn’t a dam thing we can do about it. I do hope you can get some relief. Doctors and pharmacists don’t seem to understand that even when you’re on a stronger medication that changing to a different medication for a different pain can and usually does work!
I have a question?
I am prescribed bunavail. I knew I would be getting a medical procedure done, I talked to my prescribing physician about it; I told him that I might need pain pills.. he told me to make sure that I do not take my bunavail for up to 36 hours (if possible) of course let the surgeon know I am on it.. long story short- I did everything right.
Even took my prescription to the same pharmacy where my Bunavail filled look like I was trying to hide something . The pharmacist looks at me and says; “you can’t have this (my rx) because it won’t work” I explained to him that I talk to both of my doctors and it does work when I follow their instructions; I also said I came here knowing that I have my other prescription is filled here (that stupid law now the so called opiod pharmacy thing) and he goes yeah I understand but I’m gonna have to call the surgeon and he did. First of all he was speaking loud every customer could hear; I hear him on the phone tell my doctor will she can’t have both, Long story short he tells me he’s not going to fill it. I walk out mad. I call the surgeons office and explain I told them I told surgeon I was on the other meds and even told my prescribing rx dr., she stopped me and said it’s unfortunately the pharmacist is making a big deal out of it so we revoked it..
I understand a pharmacy can refuse the refill a prescription but what they can’t do is tell me what will and won’t work since medications affect everybody differently.. and tell me I can’t have something when I talk to both of my doctors.
This Pharmacist is wrong. Not only am I humiliated; I am in pain and angry.
I was just wondering if you had any comment as what I should do.
I apologize for any spelling errors i’m using text to speach.
IMO.. the Pharmacist is both right and wrong… Bunavil is a combo drug of buprenorphine and naloxone.. those two meds will basically neutralize the effects if a pt takes opiates while taking this med. However… the half life of Buprenorphine is 20-73 hrs and naloxone is 30-81 minutes.. I am skeptical a 36 hr abstinence from Bunavil could mean that you could have as much as a 75% blood level of Buprenorphine that you normally have taking your daily dose.. the naloxone would probably be out of your system… thus complicating your pain management post surgery. I think that the Pharmacist was right in contacting the surgeon but – IMO – the discussion should have been around extending the abstinence to 6-9 days.. to make sure that the Buprenorphine is out of your system. Even after a discussion with the surgeon and he/she refused to change the abstinence period.. I would have filled the Rx and advised the pt of my concern and that there could be problems with adequate pain management post surgery because I felt that the abstinence period of Bunavil was too short. At that point.. I believe at that point that a Pharmacist would have done their due diligence and any adverse consequences to the pt would be the fault of the surgeon failing to listen to reasoning from the Pharmacist. Other than uncontrolled or poorly controlled pain post surgery.. I am not aware of any other harm that the pt should experience. The discussing your prescription issues in a loud enough voice for other to over hear is a violation of HIPAA, but unless you recorded that.. it is going to be your word against his… and from what I have seen the feds only act on HIPAA violation that involve HUNDREDS of people and individual violations are treated as non-issues… which is a shame.. that being said.. that attitude may be just that of the current administration and when the Trump administration comes to power.. attitudes may change.
Lord help us all!!! Governor Walker and his ilk are out to kill those of us who aren’t fricken drug addicts but pain patients!!!
I know this is an old post, but being mostly Wisconsin residents replying I’m taking a chance to reach all of you to join us on September 18, 2018 at a RALLY for PAIN PATIENTS.
Appleton, Milwaukee & Madison all having one joining the rest of the COUNTRY…..multiple cities in each state.
plz see or on Facebook.
Thx for your support!