Great-grandmother with CBD oil arrested at Disney World

Great-grandmother with CBD oil arrested at Disney World

Disney World may be the most magical place on Earth, but it turned into a legal nightmare for a great-grandmother with arthritis.

A 69-year-old woman was arrested at a Disney World checkpoint when an Orange County DeputyImage result for Mickey Mouse Policeman found CBD oil in her purse. She then spent 12 hours behind bars before being released on a $2,000 bond.

Hester Jordan Burkhalter, a great-grandmother from North Carolina, began using CBD oil for her arthritis after her doctor recommended it, Fox 35 in Orlando reported. She even had a note from the medical professional in her purse at the time of arrest, but it didn’t matter.

Burkhalter told Fox 35 that she had been planning on the trip for two years. “I have really bad arthritis in my legs, in my arms and in my shoulder,” she said. “I use (CBD oil) for the pain because it helps.” When she was stopped by security outside of the Magic Kingdom, however, she was arrested. “I’ve never had one speeding ticket in my life.”

Despite the fact that it’s sold on store shelves across the state, CBD oil is still technically illegal in the state of Florida (unless the user has a prescription). This has created a confusing situation in the Sunshine State.

Jennifer Synnamon, a Florida attorney, told Fox 35, “a little drop of oil, with the CBD, is a felony. Meanwhile, you can have up to 19.9 grams of leaf-marijuana, and it’s a first-degree misdemeanor.”

While the Orange County Sheriff’s Office told Fox 35 that their deputy was just following the law, the charges against Burkhalter eventually dropped.

13 Responses

  1. I highly recommend this lady contact Disney customer service. They are very good about making things right and I’m sure she would be give tickets to the park and maybe even travel expense. If not, sue them! As for the searches, you can’t go to ANY park or other place where there is a huge gathering of people, without having your bags and purses searched. This has been going on for several years and I get it – it’s for the safety of everyone, but arresting someone for CBD oil that contains no THC is just plain ridiculous! File a complaint against that officer who was bored with his job of searching purses and wanted some action!

  2. If you go to Disney World is it mandatory that you consent to a security person to rummage through your belongings.? Further does the security person have a right to question any medication or are they just looking for a guns or what is the object of this search and is it mandatory to attend Disney World?

    I receive my prescription for controlled pills in rather large size bottles. I may want to put several pills in a small container that I carry if I’m going to be away for some time. The small container does not have the large label from the original bottle on it. I wonder if this would give rise to a deputy sheriff spending his whole day arresting me and putting me in a cage for violation of something?

  3. Abolish the nazi bastards. Dea are gestapo!

  4. If the CBD oil is made out of the hemp plant it is legal in all states. If she had oils made from marijuana without a license it is something else. You would think the security guard would have told her she could no have in on their ground I could understand. She should sue Disney and the police dept. The fact that the cops do not know the law and they arrest people should make them have some responsibility for there mistakes. If the women did not have the bond money she could have sat in jail for months waiting for them to finally figure out the oil is legal and would make them selves look like fools if they pursued it. It is time for this crap to stop. I am sick of White people calling the police because a black person has a barbecue or people saying something nasty because they have a foreign ascent. Basically this is getting crazy as people just think it is there job to control other. Why are they going though people stuff that much anyway. They should be putting in though a scanner like at a airport to check for guns and knives instead of going though people’s medications. I would not waste my money taking my grand kids there anyway. There are plenty of better places to go that are much cheaper and are better.

    • I agree with you down the line. I just had to share a recent experience, b/c you mentioned the security thing. I went to the ER when I thought I had appendicitis; a security guard stopped me at the entrance & asked me if I had any guns, knives, rifles, or –wait for it– rocket launchers (plural, no less! and he was serious). I was standing there in tights & a T-shirt…couldn’t have hidden a rocket launcher even if I had one. It was a surreal experience on top of being scared to death I might have to choose between surgery with no pain meds after or death from peritonitis –with no pain meds.

      I appear to have the very rare chronic appendicitis, so both options are still in my future. But I’ll be sure to leave my rocket launchers home if I go to the ER again.

      • Wow, that is awful. My wife had appendicitis that was mis-diagnosed as “being nervous about starting college” back in 1970. She got peritonitis (sp?) and came close to death B4 we ever got married. We could not have children as a result. Those damn “hysterical women.”

        • omg, I’m so sorry she & you went through that!
          Yeah, we broads are just totally hysterical, brainless idiots (*snort*).
          Best to you both.

          • Snort back atcha. I want you to know how much I appreciate you and Zyp Chick. You have become true friends. Thank You!!!!!

  5. Some people love having power over others. The Orange County officials could have used reason and compassion; instead, they enforce stupid laws. This lady was simply fighting pain and not causing harm to anyone. Power to the people!

    • louisva;
      you know I always agree with you, but the idea of LEOs with reason & compassion these days made me want to cry. What a wonderful, lovely idea that’d be.

      Tho I did run across a wonderful story about a cop who’s incredibly good with kids & the people he really does serve & protect. So there are some good’uns!*

      *I’ve known a couple in person & on the job who were also terrific, btw. I also understand that what they see of people’s behavior can make them hate people. I sure couldn’t deal with the folks they mostly deal with!

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