2 Responses

  1. This man tells it like it is! Anytime the feds get involved with ANYTHING, it becomes so much worse! There are many people who can’t function without these meds because their conditions are so awful that life isn’t a desirable outcome! Why is it that the people who do nothing wrong get tossed in with the street users and become part of the problem! These same people have never scored a street drug in their life, but merely wish to live their lives without the terrible pain that is with them every second of every day! Pain meds do not completely mask the pain, but rather they soften the misery of the people who rely on them to put one foot in front of the other to face and maybe get some joy out of each and every day that they remain on this earth! Walk a mile in their shoes before you judge! Many of these people would rather die then face day after day of unmanageable pain!!

  2. Bravo!!

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