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Hoorah Robert D. Jr. Rose and the fourteen civilians suing our government over barbaric practices!
Posted on February 26, 2019 by Pharmaciststeve
“The moral test of a government is how it treats those who are at the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the aged; and those who are in the shadow of life, the sick and the needy, and the handicapped.” – Hubert Humphrey
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Proud to be one of the fourteen lawsuits . Im in Washington state and filed January 4th if anyone is interested in filing or joining a state that’s already filed you can find that information right here
We need all fifty states to represent please step up so we can put an end to this nightmare!
We as a Chronic Pain Community are very proud & Thank Robert Rose, Jr., You & the other 13 who filed!!! ❤❤
What a great day to finally have your voices heard!! Big thanks to Fox News for speaking out on the urgent injustice happening to millions of our Veterans & Chronic Pain Patients.
#Starburst #OperationStarburst #SickOfSuffering #ChronicPain #OpioidCrisis
Bravo Sgt. Rose
Well done!
Thank you for your service, then and now.
Everyone needs to be writing to fox and on their Facebook page !
I am so proud of Robert Rose Jr. He is a true American hero in every aspect of the word. I am also so glad that main stream media has picked up the story. Sounds like they’re planning to cover more.
My favorite sentence he said was Mr President? You’ve been LIED to. So very true. I’m wondering how someone is going to twist this story. They just Better Not! They’ll have the biggest fight on their hands they never expected.
There’s been far too much loss within our Vets and our Civilians in the pain community.
The harms that have been done all got started
by Andrew Kolondy and those CDC Guidelines.
All I can say is Thank You Robert!
For having the courage to start suing and getting others to help by filing in those 14 states.
Time to turn these lies around and start bringing compassion and humanity our country.
Great,,,,,I hope for all our sakes,,,it moves forward ,,I pray no corrupt judge holts it,,,This take a lot of hard work,,,,,and I thank them for doing what their doing,,,ie,,trying to stop the government tyranny ,abuse,torture and genocide against the weakest in society…the medically ill in physical pain bein denied access to effective medical ,,,care to EFFECTIVELLY LESSEN PHYSICAL PAIN,,,,,,,,,tHANK U Robert AND CREW,,,maryw,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
RR Jr is beyond awesome!! He fought for the country, now he’s fighting for everyone in pain. Help him out!