How Connecticut is going to resolve the opioid crisis – with an ORANGE STICKER

How Connecticut is going to resolve the opioid crisis – with an ORANGE STICKER

As of January 1, 2024, Connecticut state law requires that all controlled substance and opioid prescriptions have a fluorescent warning label attached. Click here to see the regulations, policies and procedures.

2 Responses

  1. They must think we’re stupid. For those who have been taking these for quite a while it feels like a slap in the face. I’m sure doctors explain how these drugs can be dangerous, that should be all an adult needs.

  2. I am so glad an additional orange sticker will be added to further frighten people suffering from severe pain about how dangerous these drugs are. Frightening people so they are afraid to use these drugs seems shortsighted since there are no better alternatives to opiates and opiate-like drugs at this time! The problem has always been cartel-created drugs being sold on the streets of the USA. Pharmaceutical drugs are heavily monitored and controlled, and have been for a very long time. Don’t most people already know to keep medications away from small children and animals?

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