How far can “influence” go ?

Imagine that there was this small -medium city… some 50K population.. could even be a county seat or state capital…  Say this metropolitan area was the base for all four of the major TV station affiliates (ABC/NBC/CBS/FOX)..  As with most metropolitan areas like this… the three major pharmacy chains have one “name” that dominates the landscape.

One day… one of the lead anchors on one of the stations… starts reporting on one of the “BIG THREE” and some of their not so above board tactics…  and by chance.. this is not the major player in this particular market.

Days come.. days go… and after a few months.. you notice that this once prominent anchor at the station is no longer “anchoring” so much of the news and his “reporting” has seemed to take a shift from “hard hitting”… to more of “cotton candy”…

That hard-hitting story on one of the “BIG BOYS” … seems to have just vanished from sight… no longer on the station’s website or other electronic links… but .. while not definite… would appear that the particular  “BIG BOY” .. while not the “major name” in this particular market… seems to have increased their ad budget on this particular station…

Could this happen?… Could some of our news media be like the rest of corporate America and the bottom line and their integrity could be compromised for a fist full of dollars shifting hands?

One Response

  1. Sounds like my Hometown!!!!

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