It is estimated that 2 million Americans 12 or older are addicted to prescription pain relievers. According to the CDC, deaths from prescription pain killers have more than quadrupled since 1999, with 91 Americans dying every day from an opioid overdose.
“People sometimes think that an addiction is psychological. But we’re not talking about a psychological addiction here. We’re talking about an addiction that affects a number of structures [in the brain],” Dr. Phil says.
He is joined by Dr. Charles Sophy, who is board certified in adult, child and adolescent psychiatry, and family practice, and is the medical director for DCFS in Los Angeles, to explain how using opioids and heroin affect the brain.
“Any drug that you’re putting in your body is changing the chemistry of your brain, which will affect parts of your brain,” Dr. Sophy says. “Frontal lobe is the part that does executive functioning, judgment, insight, impulse control.”
Filed under: General Problems
Those two people have an agenda. One hand feeds the other and neither is an expert in chronic pain nor are they pharmacists. I do not believe much of anything Phil sells.
I just can not make the cross over where the addicted who are illegally obtaining and taking prescription medication are considered in any of this. This is a crime. They belong in jail. If you ask me, those who are responsible for an outbreak in addiction to prescription pain killers are those who started calling it a disease and giving these people an excuse. Remember the good old days when people who stole prescriptions went to jail and we did not excuse this behavior and people did not die in record numbers? I do. 🙂