How would I prosecute a Federal prosecutor?

3 Responses

  1. AG Jef Sessions MUST be forced to resign. As a voter for over 40 years I can not see that Jeff is performing his JOB. He is reciculously consumed about the cannabis use debate and the proper prescribing of opioid medications for thise of us that have….no alyernative solutions for continuous lifetime pain that “tylenol:, buferin and over the top of toelerable pain management have.I still say that if Jeff was seerely injured or diagnosed wit a lifetime pain generating disease, he as AG would get AND use opioid medication in an effective dosag OR stick a joint up his a$$, let someone kick him in his private parts causing him to onhale s hard the joint stuck up his a$$ would be inhaled into his liungs to ease the insuffrable pain being experienced by so many millions of peopel/patients that he seems intent on dismissing from their eeds of daily life. Great experiemtn huh? Retire Jeff, you have NO vision or care for the many millions of patients with intractable pain. By the way, you are so “lopeared”, O don’t believe your ears are hearing what actual patients with lifetime, continuous pain are experiencing. All “put downs” asisde, pa ractive law Jeff, support our Presient and back off from practicing medicine…….Jeff!

  2. there is going to be an increase of pharmacy armed robbery,heroin and anyting close to it on the streets is going to hit an all time high.This is sso predictable!like a Disney movie….And our beloved police are probably gonna suffer[tragically]when their time should be better spent in other’s them i pity my cancer is searing thru me as i type and not controlled pain-wise,i dread the thought of law enforcement maimings,shattered bodies and GOD forbid deaths!All for spinning their wheels against activities that center around normal taxpayers trying desperately to get relief so they can function in society.Addiction?YES!truth be told!are you addicted to air,food,sleep??addicted to pain med?YES!SO WHAT?life is short as it is!I watched my dad writhing in convulsions from cancer and was told “if he was given enough and died by overdose,they would be liable”WHAT????????HE’s FUCKING DYING RIGHT NOW,you donkey dicks!I went to my car,took the 30mg.MSIR,my last 12,and hid them in the toothpaste he kept calling for[i guess it lvs.bad taste in your mouth when you’re dying]at least he finally laid back and stopped convulsing and finally,peaceably went home.Hospital didnt know..I told em what I did and they tried to bring up all sorta legal charges.the judge told em to go to hell and THEY were flirting w/losing their licenses.but this was back in 1976.itt was a nightmare.I still wake up crying to this day!

  3. Is there a way to file a law suite or class action law suite on Jeff Sessions or the CDC????

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