How your bad diet may weigh on your job review

More companies are tracking employees’ medical data to cut costs

From the article:

Your company already knows whether you’ve been taking your meds, getting your teeth cleaned and going for regular medical checkups. Now some employers or their insurance companies are tracking what staffers eat, where they shop and how much weight they’re putting on — and taking action to keep them in line.

The title of this article doesn’t begin to explain what is in the article..

When you start following some of the links within the article.. a lot of things are starting to “click”.. you need to read some of the comments on this article.

From the article:

You know Walgreens as well as so many other healthcare entities makes a ton of money selling data (like around short of $800 million in 2010, SEC Report on intangible income)

And you thought all those “frequent buyers” discounts and rebate charge cards were just something to help cull your loyal patronage?

Just imagine… if we get to the position of having a national health insurance (Obamacare)… could your insurance premium, deductible, co-pays be determined by some “health score” from all this data… much like we have a credit score … that is the basis if we are granted to having a loan and/or the interest rate that you pay?

Already, Medicare Part B & Part D premiums are “means tested”… going up the higher your income is, and Obamacare has already approved a substantial premium surcharge for smokers.

And the push for our healthcare system to keep all our health records electronically is because?

I’m just saying…



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