I have been nominated to be part of the Trump administration in regards to healthcare and MAHA




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Here is a video of a Federal attorney that elaborates how they use normally “innocent statements” from prescribers and pharmacist and daisy chain various otherwise “innocent activities” into violations of the Controlled Substance Act and the number of charges against the healthcare professionals start to stack up. US Attorney Admits that He was Directed to Target Doctors Who had NO criminal intent ( » US Attorney Admits that He was Directed to Target Doctors Who had NO criminal intent )
Here is an article from FIVE SENATORS Elizabeth Warren Advocates to Formalize Barriers for Pain Patients » Elizabeth Warren Advocates to Formalize Barriers for Pain Patients calling for the DEA to increase the DENIAL of pain medications to chronic pain patients. Here is a video on how the PBM industry now operates https://youtu.be/jp1_6SDfxlE?si=GCegamZsrAjGSmOV
Here is Senator Eliz Warren’s interaction with the CEO of United Health and all the control that they have over our healthcare system and all the profits they are taking out of our healthcare budgets, that should be devoted to pt care. If this group is hoping to improve pt’s QOL while controlling medical costs. It is going to need someone that understands where are the $$ are being sucked out of the system and to the bottom lines of many medical middlemen. I may be one of but a few people who can related to all those involved from the medical practitioner perspective and the pt’s perspective. I am retired and have no allegiance to any corporation and I have a wife that has been a intractable chronic pain pt for 3+ decades.


10 Responses

  1. @candi he means he’s calling for the DEA to decrease the denials. Steve stands for us. His wife is an individual who suffers constant intractable pain.

    • I have had a few who will read what I share and “read into what I share as they are my words” and come out with an entirely different meaning than what I intended. They have not read my blog long enough to understand that whatever I write – the text is all in GREEN and be accompanied with my often used graphic imo

      • So, you didn’t write this article above? Or are you saying your opinion is ” PHARMACIST STEVE calling for the DEA to increase the DENIAL of pain medications to chronic pain patients. ” ??? So, your opinion is to call for the DEA to “INCREASE” the denial of pain medications to chronic pain patients??? Cuz that’s what it says. If its stated incorrectly, it should be changed & quickly! If you’re wanting people to share it out & vote, then it should be stated/written correctly, no?

    • Ok, thank you. But shouldn’t that be changed than? & ASAP? Cuz the way it reads now, sounds completely opposite of that. Thanks!
      If I share this out the way it is now, I will get laughed at & people will be mad at me & they won’t vote either.

  2. So wait, a couple lines above have me a little confused. First “» Elizabeth Warren Advocates to Formalize Barriers for Pain Patients :, so she is going to try & make more barriers for pain patients? Also, the same line …. PHARMACIST STEVE calling for the DEA to increase the DENIAL of pain medications to chronic pain patients …. So Pharmacist Steve wants to INCREASE the DENIAL of pain medications to us? Why should we vote then? I sure hope this is a mistake or I’m not understanding something here.

    • I’m sorry, but I’m not voting for even MORE BARRIERS & MORE DENIAL of the medications that help us LIVE! That’s insane!!! Its been hell the past almost 8 years or so. WE need all this crap to stop & allow doctors to prescribe us adequate pain medicines so we can LIVE a better quality of LIFE!!! We’ve been tortured enough by pain & our medical conditions. & then on top denied the medicines that greatly help us. No way am I voting for more denial, barriers & restrictions.

  3. You’ve got my vote.

  4. Wow! Congratulations! Maybe there is a light at the end of the tunnel?

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