I guess that compassion and empathy is no longer part of healthcare ?

This showed up on Face Book page of CVS

Highly highly disappointed in Fayetteville, WV pharmacy! I normally don’t fill Rx there however Wal Marts system was down and they no idea when they would be back up. I literally was just discharged from a reliable hospital an hour away due to having lost my baby and having surgery last night. I took my pain Rx to be filled there. I am literally in my pajams with my hospital braclete still on and the pharmacist immediately profiled me and refused to refill my Rx regardless that it came from a WV state hosptial with a clear water mark and all
necessary Rx information printed on the Rx. She stated there is no pharmacy that would fill it because it wasn’t within a 20 mile radius!! There are 0 large hospitals much less reliable hosptials within 20 miles of that pharmacy. As well as my high risk obstetrics physican is located an hour away. I could understand if I have had multiple pain Rx filled there before but this was the first time and my first pain Rx being filled anywhere in 11 months. Not to mention the fact it was for a 20 count of pills with no refills. I understand there is a current drug epedicm in WV but I should not have been singled out and profiled especially in this situation, given what I have just been through and my Rx history. We asked her to please call the physicans office and or the hosptial and verify I was literally just discharged and she refused stating she wouldn’t because she didn’t have a relationship with the physican. I was unaware that pharmacists had a standing “relationship” with every physican even in their local area. She was not compassionate or caring at all despite me expressing to her what I had just been through. I assure you, CVS has lost my business and not just for Rx if that’s how they want to treat people. Thankfully Kroger was understanding and clearly stated it came directly from the hospital what issue could there possibly be. I have no control over the fact there are no obstetrics physicans or hosptial to facilate pregnant woman within a 20 mile radius of Fayeteville, WV and where I reside. This is not an appropriate way to treat a mother who just found out her baby has died and was taken into surgery within the last 24 hours.

12 Responses

  1. This is horrifying! When you’ve healed physically, and can handle emotionally, I say have a lawyer bring attention to this. I myself will never go to CVS again after hearing this. No, the pharmacist does not need a “relationship” with Any doctor or hospital they call. That’s part of their job. Let alone the lack of empathy, the laziness of this pharmacist.

    I’m very sorry for your loss

  2. I am sorry for your loss! I am not surprised by CVS! Years I’ve had my pain med’s filled by them and then all of a sudden they decided they didn’t like my Dr. (same one for years). So they said they would fill it for this month but unless I go to another Dr…..I’M WONDERING IF THEY ARE GETTING KICKBACKS FOR TELLING CUSTOMERS TO GO TO CERTAIN DR.’S????????????????
    Just me, D

  3. I am so very sorry for all you have been put thru, I stopped going to CVS and walgreens as they have been nothing but judgemental and refused to fill my legally prescribed pain medication. This BS needs to stop. Many more legitimate pain pts are going to turn to the streets for relief or worse SUICIDE. I’m glad u were able to fill it. And I’m so sorry for your loss ❤

  4. ditto,m

  5. We will we will never go to cvs pharmacy or any area connected with them. I may even stop by and tell them why our family will not use them. Sure will.

  6. It didn’t take too long for CVS to remove the post from it FB page and probably offer her a gift card

  7. If we continue to accept this type of utter ignorance in America,then it will continue.I know it’s stressful,but I would encourage this lady to bring this to the attention of the MEDIA.Expose the callous incompetance of cvs,and specifically the clerk.Name them,shame them.Victims need to stop being so nice.The clerk does not belong in that job,and should be dismissed as a pharmacist.There pharmacy exists because of us,the customer,not the other way around.In the meantime I would encourage people to do what I’m going to do,never set foot in a cvs again,ever!

  8. I am so sorry for your loss I hope CVS will make things right for what they did to you…

  9. I am sorry for your loss,,,
    Sue em,,,for discrimination!!!!,,,,Pharmacist like that deserve no empathy,,,SUE THE CRAP OUT EM,,,,jmomary,,,

  10. OMG! This is absolutely outrageous! First off, I am so sorry you had to endure such a nightmare and it is getting out of control.
    I agree with POPS you should file charges with the Pharmacy Board and a class action civil suit in case you would like other patients to join you.
    Sending you much strength and a big hug to help see you through ✨

    Lisa Davis Budzinski
    Most recent: VP of CPSFoundation

  11. I am so sorry for the loss of your child!
    To be treated so callously is unconscionable! ! do hope that when you are physically up to it that you sue the hell out of CVS and that pharmacist!

  12. I truly sympathize with what has happened to you and I’m disgusted at CVS as well. You should file charges immediately with the state Pharmacy Board and Sue CVS for their actions.

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