I thought that we were a country of laws ?

American’s Calls Covertly Tracked by DEA for over a Decade


In a new court filing, it was revealed that the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), which operates under the US Justice Department, has covertly been tracking American’s phone calls to overseas countries for over a decade in an attempt to identify drug trafficking, as well as other crimes.

Only outgoing phone calls were mentioned in the official document but according to insiders, data the DEA collected also related to calls coming in. Not mentioned was what the content of all the conversations nor were the number of countries involved mentioned or any specific countries with the exception of Iran.

One Response

  1. These government agencies do whatever they want. You don’t have ‘rights’ when the government gets involved. Our system of checks and balances does not seem to work anymore. Congress is worthless and the judicial system is a mess. So, it leaves the president and these damn agencies to run the Congress and whatever they say is the law of the land.

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