Imagine that… a doctor getting CONVICTED because PROSECUTORS CHEATED.. they claim that justice is blind… but… she apparently has some other means
of seeing what she wants to see and her “scale” is not always balanced. It has been claimed that the DEA is more interested in using The Civil Asset Forfeiture Act to confiscate assets from practitioners, various reports put the annual dollar figure between 500 million to ONE BILLION+ . It would appear that law firms don’t see a lot of money by helping prescribers setting up irrevocable trusts so that the DEA can’t have anything to confiscate. One would think that those prescribers that are employees of large hospital system would be interested in helping their employee prescribers to protect themselves by showing them this very simple legal trick. Maybe they are more interested is just denying care to those who have a valid medical necessity for being prescribed controlled substances.
Maybe these large hospital corporations have some other agendas… those mid-level practitioners (ARNP, PA, NP) the hospital generally get paid by insurances abt 85% of what they get paid for a MD providing the same service, but it is unlikely that these mid-level practitioners get paid 85% of what MD’s get paid.. So fewer MD’s on the payroll and more mid-level practitioners could mean more $$$ to the hospital corporation ?
Mainstream media persecuting healthcare professionals
Back when the attack on me started, I was like a frightened little puppy. Me, a guy that would call my parents when I was a teenager to tell them I wasn’t coming home that night. My dad knew were I was, and I was not partying with my friends. My dad would say to me the next morning when I came home, “what was her name, how long will this one last?”. My mom would just laugh, typical Hispanic family. That was our culture. Why did I do this? Despite growing up in a very violent environment, despite having to defend myself constantly, I have always believed in honesty and transparency. I always believed in the chain of command, and that even if rules didn’t make any sense to me, they existed for a reason. Even as a teenager, I understood the concept of the “greater good”. I would tell myself when this whole investigation started, that I must have done SOMETHING wrong. I would go through all the possible scenarios in my mind, but it just didn’t add up, The first clue that we may just be dealing with a very corrupt government, was when Guy McCartney, the DEA agent from West Virginia in charge of the investigation against me, confiscated 26 charts of patients who had died, whom he claimed died due to my prescribing of opiates. That same day, at least he was fair enough to give me a CD rom, which I still have that have. Drove home quickly that day, put the CD rom in my computer drive, and it turned out that not only had all these patients died of cancer, heart failure and had not been on opiates for over a year, but half of them were never on opiates or any type of controlled substance from me at all!
Many of you know the rest. I was unlawfully convicted and sent to jail, only for my conviction to be reversed due to prosecutors cheating.
That is when they woke up a sleeping giant, and I reverted back to my street mode. Immediately following my conviction, within 2 days my step daughter calls me and tells me not to listen to the news. They were tarnishing my name all over the Pittsburgh media. I was indicted for not kicking patients out, 5 in all for abnormal urine drug screens. The abnormalities were subtle, and in patients with severe life compromising and threatening conditions. CDC guidelines stated not to kick patients out on drug screens due to the high incidence of false negativity and positivity. Not mention that they are not quantitative. To make matters worst, the “mentioned” about 400 charts over time of people with abnormal drug screens, insinuating that I gave drugs to drug addicts. I got a CD rom of these patients as well. They were not as sick, so I stopped prescribing opiates to avoid trouble and sent them all to pain clinics. These were only seen once or twice. The prosecution under handedly did not mention this, and my attorney, naturally, blew this off. Yet, prosecutor, Sarah Wagner, criminalized it. What did the media say about me? They called in “illegal distribution”. My name was in press publications all over the country!!! Florida, Arizona, Texas…. When my conviction was reversed, the only publication that published this story was Reuters. I called the Pittsburgh Post Gazette, Tribune review even the New York Times, and they blew me off, after unlawfully tarnishing my name.
The take home messages here is that the mainstream media is clearly behind this initiative to convict and incarcerate healthcare professions, even at a very steep price to patients with chronic medical conditions. Social media is the only publication the whole story. The government clearly hates social media, because government wants to control, as they control the mainstream media. Sadly for the government, some form of social media is the future of news, because the main stream media has lost all credibility. When I read about Doctors exchanging sex for drugs, distributing large amounts of opiates, not only due I take the news with a grain of salt now, but the general public, specially those that have been harmed by the governments and mains stream medias lies does as well. A virtual meeting that I, and many others specially patients had with the CDC was a major step forward. But evil is very strong. No doubt that those with bad intentions will fight back, and this was emphasized at this meeting. But, it is a balancing act and good ultimately triumphs for the continued advancement of our species. We just have to hang tight and fight on. The lies about this fake prescription opiate crisis are clear to the public now. Less than 3% of deaths, drugs abused were prescription all along. Not surprised.
Born in Cuba, Felix moved to New Jersey when he was two years old. He played football and wrestled for Rutgers University. He graduated medical training at the now-named Rowan School of Osteopathic Medicine and did his residency in neurology. His medical practice was located in Morgantown, WV and Connellsville, PA. He has teaching experience, serving as department chair at Temple University and teaching attendant at the West Virginia school of Osteopathic Medicine. He has done investigative studies with epilepsy and multiple sclerosis and served as chief investigator for a study of postpolio syndrome and chronic fatigue. He was also a chief investigator in a study involving the use of intravenous gamma globin for the treatment of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, entitled “Ivig and cidp, dose matters”. The paper was presented at a poster presentation in France. He has lectured overseas on the topic of cidp and immune neuropathy.
Felix will be teaching various health topics through our DoC course network. If interested in learning more, sign up below for our newsletter.
Filed under: General Problems
Sue for malicious prosecution.
F1 (great vehicle btw.. I am a NASA WIFE and the Mr. says best ever!) Motive would be PC, GREED FOR POWER, MANIPULATION, NASTY BIG BULLIES THAT –CAN– DO HURT PEOPLE Just FOR PLEASURE. Take your pick.
Motive. …What is the motive???
Thank you Steve.
This doctor needs recompense for his investments, his schooling, his wrongful prosecution and imprisonment and for PC. JUST BECAUSE.
They tried to ruin his life so they could ruin the lives of too many patients with justifiable uncontrolled pain.
(sorry not sorry for caps)
Motive. …What is the motive???
I can think of several motives to go after Dr.s and patients. A lot of patients using pain meds have expensive to treat conditions. It would not surprise me at all to learn that big government wants to cull the unproductive members(chronic conditions) out of the picture. Rx a cheap effective drug doesn’t help big pharma either. I don’t trust my government anymore.