4 Responses

  1. Oooh getting cheeky. You are right she is a puppet
    But so it Dementia Joe Xiden, bought n paid for by the ChiComs,
    Russia, Ukraine and even Bulgaria

  2. Excuse me, but Kamala has not been president. Vice presidents don’t determine policy, they follow directions. If you are looking for the REAL person to fit that description in your picture, it would be Trump. Oh, excuse me, he has no firm policies. He changes with the wind, or what will get him elected.

    Please explain to me how a person with intelligence supports an actual law breaker who thinks he can do whatever he wants, abuses women, lies on taxes, and tried to start a coup based on false claims?

    • First of all, Harris has stated that she has not changed any of her opinions, but someone on her staff has done anonymous press releases that her policies are now 180 degrees where she has historically been. There are reports that she intends to give away about 4 trillion more than is going to be our estimated revenue in our next fiscal year – which starts Oct 1, 2024. I read about retirees having to go back to work to help pay for the day-to-day expenses. All those retires that their retirement nest egg has lost 20% of its buying power during the Biden/Harris administration. Harris has already stated all the tax increases she wants to implement. I will take a businessman to run our country over – regardless of party – a politician who is also an attorney and having two politicians/attorneys is just double the trouble.

      • First off, government is not a business. The only reason businesses exist is to create profit. Profit which is then used to further line the pockets of a relatively small group of shareholders and executives. Rethugs, under Ronnie the Dim, attempted a diversionary ‘rebrand’ of tax cuts for businesses, referring to it as “trickle down” economics. The extra tax cut revenue was supposed to be used for reinvesting into the various companies, which benefited from this government giveaway. This, in turn, would lead to not only more jobs for us ‘little people’, but also higher salaries and better benefits. Thus, the business tax cuts would eventually “trickle down” to us ‘peons’. Ronnie and his minions enabled big business to do whatever they wanted with the extra cash flow. And they did. Lined their pockets and trickled something down on our citizens heads.
        You appear to be baffled by the idea that opinions change and evolve over time, even amongst politicians. This is a good thing. You want someone in the oval office who is unable to learn, adapt and grow as the result of a constantly changing world? I do.
        You use the word “historically” when referring to how Mrs. Harris’ policies “are now 180° from what they have historically been”. Kamala Harris was first elected to federal office beginning in 2017. Only seven years to amass a “historical record”? Also, Harris/Walz have
        policies. And they’ve shared them with the American people. In fact, you can go to their website and read about them until your eyes bleed. Trump/Vance? Bet you can’t find even 3 policies. With the GOP, all that matters is POWER!! And money.
        You also seem bothered by the idea that “she intends to give away(?) $4 trillion dollars more than the government will take in in revenue during the next fiscal year”. You must have been positively apoplectic when Donnie ‘gave away’ $17 trillion in tax breaks to big business in 2017! That one action more than doubled the nation’s debt. But I guess that was ok since Trump was a business/con man.
        As for a business man running the country? Been there, done that. Business and politics require entirely different mindsets. You actually have to care about people to be in politics. I’ll take a politician any day.

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