If everyone is doing their own thing… means that NOTHING HAPPENS

mistakesIf everyone is doing their own thing… means that NOTHING HAPPENS

Is there any hope that the chronic pain community is going to have some sort of Epiphany that NO ONE at the Federal or State level actually gives a CRAP about your pain.

There is no bureaucracy for the bureaucrats to create to treat chronic pain and if they decide to get serious about treating substance abusers.. the “catch and release” Naloxone prgm is the first step but I doubt if they will go to the next step.. at least for the next several years.

Meanwhile, the bureaucracy is causing thousands and thousands…. maybe millions .. of chronic pain pts to have their necessary medications cut or discontinued.  We know that a certain per-cent will go to the streets to get some relief from their untreated/unrelenting pain… Just more “targets” for the DEA and job security for them.

With Medicare disability fund soon going into a 20% cash flow short fall and all but a couple of states are in deep financial trouble.. just how many tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars could be saved by each chronic painer that takes the “final action” to resolve their chronic pain ? While their Naloxone “catch and release” prgm keeps the number of  substance abuser “on the street” stable or increasing. 

How many has called or sent a letter to a Fed/State legislator.. only to get a letter back .. mostly talking about the opiate epidemic that we have in this country and the promise to keep your opinion in mind if a vote comes up.

How many hundreds or thousands of on-line petition has to be created when either none have reached the appropriate number and/or they do and there is no action toward the reason for the petition ?

How many hundreds or thousands of Face Book pages is there needed with some focus on chronic pain ?

I wrote a post that went to Twitter with the #AARP stating that they are suppose to look out for the interest of those over 50. Most major players scan the internet for their name popping up.. Did the AARP reach out to me… NOPE !

One week ago, I wrote a two page letter about the 183 page FIRST DO NO HARM created by the AG of Indiana and emailed it to the four major TV stations in Louisville, KY and all the major TV stations in Indiana.. Their individual/collective response – NOTHING !!

Are you getting the point that NO ONE IS PAYING ATTENTION…  NO ONE CARES… they are very comfortable where they are at… if the 435 Fed Representatives and 34 Senators get reelected… their world is not going to change and chances are your world is not going to get any better… most likely going to get worse.

What is even worse is that last night I watched a show that looked at the VP candidates… the person that is a heart beat away from the Presidency and has the President’s ear.. BOTH are STRONGLY AGAINST MJ.



2 Responses

  1. I agree,,,we need to some how get ALLLL of us together under 1 banner,,,I thought on this,,,just like the cdc has HIRED on our dime a ,”media propaganda company,” to improve their image,,,,we too need to get it together,,get us all together,,under 1 roof,,,,the question is how??!!!MARY

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