If the number of emails I get is any indication of what is going on “out there”.. it is really starting to hit the fan

I just saw your articles tonight very interesting. But I think all of us chronic pain patients are out of luck. I was just wondering if you knew why Medicare does not want my Dr to let me have Baclofen and a another muscle relaxer. I get one for my rheumatologist and one from my neurologist. And all my doctors have a list of my medications. Are these now going to become restrictive. And I haven’t found a good article yet and I just wondered if you may know of one on “if you should trust pain clinics” the reason I asked yes because now I have been asked to see the medical director who is a psychiatrist and where I go now for pain management it’s all ran by people who have been in  the military. They are not friendly whatsoever. And they do even like you to ask questions about if a certain Doctor Is In Network or not. I am told this is our policy if we asked you to go , you just need to go and not ask questions. But this cost me money on my pocket if a doctors out of network. I hate being there because they are so rude and they yell at me for asking simple questions like how much does it cost to get my medical records. I need their help but I don’t like their abusive attitude. I’ve been thinking about leaving but and I’m cutting off my nose to spite my face. It’s a shame that people who have chronic pain have to put up with Medical staff that’s hostel. No other places to go.. I think we need to let our doctors know that we’re not going to see them that much because we Harbor feelings that they don’t support us on our pain management. It just plants a seed but doctors know they won’t be making as much money like they would be if we felt happier  two come see them. Doctors want return patients that come often because that means money in their pocket. Well thank you so much for your time. I enjoy all your good articles.

Hi.  Im xxxxx. I was born with a defective bladder (Hinnmans Syndrome) have been hospitalized over150 times gone into kidney faliure twice. I have a sigmoid bladder that requires cauterization daily with large 16-18 French catheters. My urologist referred me to a pain management dr who happens to be one of the top 200 anesthesiologists in the country. Hes no quack. I take 28 diazapam a month for bladder spasms. Its anti convulsive properties are a life saver. I can usually take this rx anywhere as it is small and my pharmacy know my history. 

I took it to a wal mart (it was on my way home & they have filled it before. The pharmacist Jeff kept me for an hour ,ran it through my insurance, wrote on it, put a sticker on it only to tell me he does not like my doctor. He thinks he’s a”quack”,and will not fill any of his prescriptions. My dr is no quack. He saved me from suicide and chronic pain. He will not precribe fentanyl, does full toxicology screens on us and will provide suboxone for those needing help. Dr Jones saved my life. This is not 90 Oxycontin!  This is 28 diazapam! The chemist said “I wont play with this doctor because I don’t like him.”

I travel 50 miles once a month to see Dr Jones. How Jeff in this po dunk pharmacy even knows who my dr is is surprising. Can a pharmacist refuse to fill 28 diazapam because “i don’t like your dr” Im on time and it can be dangerous to stop this med abruptly. 

Steve can I make this mans life difficult? He made me feel like a piece of crap. Can I complain to anyone? This is ridiculous. 

Thank you for your time.


4 Responses

  1. Had to sign back in to fix the spelling of my last name!

  2. Well, it was just a suggestion. I don’t trust mail order pharmacies myself to get me my meds on time.
    But the other issued I raised are from my experience and reading ‘re muscle relaxers.

  3. Steve, I am disabled and on a Medicare Advantage plan (Humana). I use Tizanidine daily for muscle spasms in my neck and upper back. I have never had problems obtaining it at CVS. Even when I used other MA plans or plain Medicare. Are you also on benzos? I do know my behavioral health nurse practitioner said they are starting to drown on muscle relaxers and benzos, especially if you’re older like me. But so far so good. Have you tried a mail order pharmacy? Seems insurance companies are really pushing their own mail order pharmacy. Good luck.

    • I am strongly opposed to the use of mail order for several reasons… first of all …all medications have a recommended storage temp typically 50-80 F +/-.. the manufacturer, wholesaler, pharmacy are legally bound to maintain medication in this temperature range. But as soon as the pharmacy hands it over to the shipper… all bets are off… and when is the last time you saw a air conditioned mail truck, UPS, Fedex truck ? Secondly, I have heard numerous horror stories about the turn around time getting meds up to 2 weeks and when you are dealing with just a few days of surplus of doses with controls.. it is a sure way to throw yourself into cold turkey withdrawal. I have also been told of one staffer promising to fill and send out controls only to find out some days later that someone else decided not to send it. With some of these mail order firms.. you are dealing with a facility that can be as big as a Walmart store, highly automated with hundred of workers… that will fill as many prescriptions in a few weeks that a community pharmacy will fill in a YEAR. Your prescription is just like a grain of sand on a Florida beach. In the pharmacy business meds that has < 6 months of dating.. is considered unsaleable at the wholesale level.. I have been told stories - can't verify if they are true - but these mail order firms will buy large quantities of these meds from pharmas and wholesalers... because with their computerization they know how many of a particular meds they will dispense in a given time frame and they can purchase these meds at substantial discounts. Personally, hell would have to have to start freezing over before I would use one of them. The way mergers are going on within healthcare... hell may very well starting to freeze over.. Cigna is trying to buy PBM Express Scripts.. CVS Health is trying to buy Aetna and they already own 10,000 chain stores, PBM Caremark and one of the top three Part D providers. One stop shopping may be coming... whether we like it or not and whether we want to use their one-stop or not I am not a 24/7 chronic painer - wife is - I am a activity induced chronic painer... I am quite familiar with muscle relaxants, opiates, & benzos.. I can't do any house or yard work without them tagging along, but side effects are minimal and I routinely use power tools concurrently.. The DEA - it would seem - to like to collect information on what addicts do - take multiple meds - higher than recommended doses and apply that to anyone taking any amount of those same meds and come to the conclusion that they are dangerous to take .. in any quantities..

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