If this didn’t have a lot of truth to it.. it would be funny

I did not create the video… This is a video that is sarcasm and a parody about what healthcare professionals have to put up with addicts/diverters  and all the shenanigans they will try to get their hands on some controlled meds .. particularly opiates. This is representative of the “other side of the coin” why legit pts are being denied and turned away.. and they can’t figure out why.  Unfortunately, all too many healthcare professionals are tired of trying to figure how between the legit and bogus pts and have taken the stance that it is easiest to JUST SAY NO !

13 Responses

  1. People and children suffering in chronic pain are not jokes.

    The medical professionals who treat those with chronic pain and chronic illness are already up against so much ignorance in society- videos like these are not helpful.

    Obviously, this video is meant to portray a drug-seeker/addict and not a legit suffering individual; however, the media and society tend not to differentiate the two. This is the reason those with terminal illness pain and chronic illness pain have trouble gaining access to treatment, YES, including pain medication, as there are still not a great many EFFECTIVE options available for pain management.

    When I watch this video, I think of the children who are suffering in horrific pain with no end in sight. I think of people who have died by complications from the very same disorders mentioned in the video, like RSD. I think of those who have ended their lives from suicide because the pain was so unbearable, the doctors could never get it under control.

    People’s suffering is not funny! And even if the message was to poke fun at drug seeking addicts, HELLO- How is drug addiction a joke?

  2. Guess you’ve never known anyone with any of these problems especially RSD. I think your an asshole. People with herniated discs, RSD, migraines etc do need meds and you belittling these conditions doesn’t help anyone. Pain mgmt drs are able to decipher between addicts and people that truly suffer as there are diagnistic tests that are done before meds are given. We go through rigorous injections, scans, imaging, drug tests just to get relief.

  3. RSD isn’t a line in your dumb parody. It’s real pain, the worst possible, fought by real people who can’t get the MEDICATION needed to have a reduced pain quality of life because of the addicts after DRUGS. The drug problems in America aren’t caused by the chronic pain syndromes in your parody but we are the ones to suffer, every day and night. With pain levels so high all we can do is scream out for help that isn’t there. To be accused of chasing drugs, over using, being addicted and so many other accusations when really all we, the chronic pain sufferers, want is the respect we deserve from Dr’s, pain clinics, the FDA that watches our scripts so we’re not “over using”, pharmacists, and…..people like you. From an RSD sufferer

  4. RSD isn’t funny at all. You should be ashamed of yourself.

  5. I loved the reference to RSD on this video.

  6. Propaganda to the max.

  7. I agree 100% with painkills2 and Anonymous

  8. The only truth in this video is the fact that it was made to make the real chronic pain sufferer have a harder time getting the meds they need to have a quality of life. It’s a proper gander video to insight the public to make more chronic pain sufferers committ suicide. Show the head stones of all the ligit law abiding citizens who committed suicide because they could not deal with the pain anymore. 99.9 percent of over doses where due to the fact that those people were not real pain suffers, they were drug abusers. This video is proper Ganda and that’s all it is.

  9. I don’t see truth… I see a compilation of the media’s interpretation of the drug war. I see this video making fun of drug addiction and furthering the cause of the anti-drug lobby. I see a group of people looking down on those who are suffering.

    Just switch the drugs to cannabis and its the same reefer madness of old.

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