If this doesn’t give you the warm fuzzies …


CVS Health Bets Big on HIT (Health Info Technology)


From the article:

We’re constantly working to invent things… We have a unique set of assets that no other company in the healthcare or retail space has, given we are the only player that has a national retail pharmacy, retail clinics, a mail-order pharmacy and pharmacy benefits manager division, and specialty pharmacy services all under one corporation… We also have 17 years of experience and data from our ExtraCare program, the gold standard in the industry, which means we know our customers

We’re hearing directly from our customers that they’re looking to leverage digital technology as an extension of the in-store experiences as well as to help manage their health.”

CVS has technological experience and a trove of data, Tilzer says.

“We approach digital innovation with an eye toward creating tools that help… customers manage their medications, adhere to prescribed therapies and take care of their health more easily. We are making a real impact and also transforming the role a retail pharmacy like ours can play.”.

Imagine this.. CVS Health is going to have all the data on some pts.. how much control are they going to try and impose on those within their “system”

Next time that a CVS Pharmacist tells you that “I’m not comfortable” … maybe you should share the company’s policy about helping pts adhere to their prescribed medications !


4 Responses

  1. They’re advertising for all types of positions here in Indiana, so either the slaves have gotten smart and manged to find something else or the 3 letter chain is terminating left and right because metrics are not being met and they figure some other new grad with tons of debt will take it. Already more than served my time there in purgatory

  2. Since I am being blackballed or boycotted by CVS I am not eager to have them have more leverage over my patients. In fact I am sending no patients to CVS at this time due to their antitrust activity against me and my business. Giventhat they are not above steam rolling a small office like mine this company doesn’t have the integrity to have more in the way of influence and power

  3. I don’t know of one customer who willingly would want that information used for that purpose. So I suppose that means they will tie the Extra Care cards to someones Rx profile and if the person is a diabetic the sale of anything in the way of snack foods candy or sugary drinks (even if purchased for non diabetic family members) will be stopped and refused at the register…’I’m sorry, our records show you are diabetic, this stuff is not in your diet scheme, we can’t let you purchase it because it will further worsen your diabetes and drive up healthcare costs’….And a new metric….call each and every patient daily to make sure they took their meds….yeah I can see that…glad I no longer slave there

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