If we are at war… where are all the combatants from each side?

This month starts the FIFTH YEAR of posting on this blog. Over those years, I have written about much, have read about much that is going on within the chronic pain community.

I have seen a lot of petition started and failed to get any serious number of people signing them

I can’t count the hundreds or thousands of new Face Book pages that have been started for pain and/or some disease where pain is a major complication or some other focus about pain destroying lives.

There are so many names that use to be strong advocates… that I don’t see posting any more.

donquixotethere are days that I feel like Don Quixote, I really don’t have a dog in this fight, but it often seems like I am trying to win a battle in which I am grossly outnumbered, and there is no where to call for reinforcements.

What advocates that are left, I am reading/hearing similar thoughts. We all know that Congress started this “war on drugs ” mess back in 1914. We also know that currently 43% of Congress is Attorneys…and since they continue to fund the Dept of Justice/DEA war on drugs.. which has turned to a war on healthcare providers and pts over the last 6 + yrs.  Are all those Attorneys so dedicated to their profession and the Judicial system… that they turn a blind eye to what is going on with the war on drugs ?

We all hear/know of increased suicide among chronic pain pts that have been deprived of their medications for various reasons. We have also seen a change in the nomenclature that there are no long any junkies/addicts… just those using opiates >90 days – legally or illegally – are now labeled as suffering from a “opiate abuse disorder” and that there are no more unintentional/accidental OD’s just deaths that are a “opiate related death”… even  if the opiate is not at a lethal level… Could this be to help cover up the suicide deaths… because most chronic pain pts are going to have some opiates show up in toxicology.

Is this to cover up the consequences of the new opiate dosing guidelines of the CDC and other intimidating actions by the DEA to “cover-up” the reason for the increase in “opiate related deaths” or just to increase  number to give the DEA reasons to ask Congress for more funding ?

Is a on-going war where one side of the war there are no combatants … just causalities … isn’t that the definition of


  the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation. ?

We know were the problem originates from:  CONGRESS… 80% of  Congress is up for re-election Nov 8th.. Last time I looked, your vote is anonymous.  If you are one of those who must pull the <R> or <D> straight ticket without further consideration.  During the Obama’s administration, Congress has taken turns being under the majority of each party .. and what has changed  and how is that working for you ?

Maybe it is time for a NEW T.E.A. party (Tortured Enough Already)



7 Responses

  1. I have been in pain for 20 years the doctors were helping deal with my pain with pain pills THE PILLS WORK they help us at the least we can deal with pain and live instead of laying in bed in pain I have 2 plates and 4 screws in my neck IT IS A DAILY NON STOP NIGHTMARE OF PAIN otc meds are toxic it is safer to take the opioids than the non script meds I have had doctors tell me not to take some otc meds on a daily basis they destroy your liver and kidneys so you are to suffer in bed and be a drain on everyone around you whoever did this to us have only made a black market on pain meds or worse go to the street and get heroin I am tired of being treated like a criminal because I am in pain I have to do urine tests blood tests ON A REGULAR BASIS if we refuse we do not get our meds I will sign any petition that will help us and I find it hard to believe that their are a lot of people are lying to their doctor and selling it on the street while there might be a few that do MOST DOCTORS CAN TELL THAT YOU ARE LYING. someone needs to help us Dan

  2. I have a theory on this willful censoring of the truth by our government…First off their good at that,,lying to the public,,their experts at it…But heres the big picture jmo,,,,Now I have witness being in painmanagement since thee age of 27,,now 50,,,thee worse willful decline in humane treatment towards thee medically ill ever!!!,I believe Americans for the last 40 years have been forced to work for less pay, more hours,thus more physical toll on their bodies,and our bodies are breaking ,literally,,…Our government does not want to admit this whole mess is their fault from the get go ,I believe it is not 1 agency entity that has caused such cruelity,,it is a several willfull entities that have done this..,,What I learned from my husbands’ case,,is that ,”our” government will willfully lie,cover-up,,falsify documents,,ALLLL in the spirit of covering up or proving this lie,,,,,,The reason for this as I witness myself,, watching the senator from W.V,,stating a epidemic is loss of control over a issue,pill,desease etc…This is about control,,,control being used by a completely corrupted government,,This has been that way for a long long time,,,I think the dea,,getting thrown out of several South American countries and others,,,for human rights abuses,,,needed a job/monies to justify all their employees,,,Having NO jobs for all those agents that abused their ,”just power,” in other countries literally needed a job,, ie,,,OUR DOCTORS!!! U got the dea,,and a huge prison population,,those inmates will say anything to get time off,etc,,Everytime u see these inmates on t.v.,,,there saying I became a addict from prescribed medicine or marijuana started all my abuse issues,,and our government used this false information from inmates to justify part of this ,”false epidemic,”,, U got our government who has the powers to control the medias,and 100’s of ,”data,” agencies,,and that is exactlly what our government did,they controlled thee information going into and out of the media to falsify this false epidemic,and blaming our doctors for it,,a lie,,,but they had to justify it somehow in the public eye!!This is why NO medias want the truth out there for the public to see the truth,,,fir ALLLLL WARS ARE WON IN HEARTS OF THE PEOPLE,,”WE THE PEOPLE,”..,, AND THE GOVERNMENT KNOWS THIS FACT!! thus the lieing propaganda,,I be;lieve the cdc,the dea,hhs,n.i.h.. all of them literally sat down and had a meeting together,,all of them,,to concoct this mass deceit,,,,I believ the shrinks,,who btw,,, were never welcome in pain managemnt by actual m.d.’s got their revenge by jumping on board this false epedimic,,not to mention Mr.Phil Mypockets!.Now our senators jump on board simply because it ,LOOKED GOOD,” AS thee dea,cdc packaged this whole false epidemic as a ,”war of drugs,” that our MEDICINES are now all of a sudden are classified in the same category as street drugs,,along w/ our GOOD DOCTORS,,..There are many other contributors to this huge lie,,this god aweful attack onto the ,medically ill,,,,but I would write 3 pages worth,,,jmo,,,the way we fix this is to have a core group,,,who has the money,the truth, the will,the humanity and the heart to never waver from the core objective,,,That objectibve being,,,,Since it is literally impossible for another man to physically feel the physical pain of another,,,no-one has a divine rite to decide who suffers in physical pain and who does not suffer, from medical illness,NO-ONE..As a evolving humane society our goal simple is thee effective lessening of the physical pain,thus suffering,,to all medically ill humanbeings with painful medical conditions via medicines historically proven to effectively lessen physical pain.For that is the moral,ethical; and humane treatment for anyone in physical pain from medical illness….The opposite would be forced endurement of physical pain which is legally define as ,”to torture”..and the forced endurement of physical pain that leads to thee only option of thee use of death to stop their physical pain onto a group, medically ill people is defined as genocide..Torture and genocide are NOT humane nor acceptable as a prescription for thee medically ill with painful medical conditions;..This core group can never ever waver from this objective,,ever!!and start data the represents the truth,maryw.

  3. Well
    I did not have a dog in this fight
    They came after my license
    Then they came after my business
    Then they came after my employees
    Then they came after my reputation
    Then they came after my business
    Then they sent the DEA
    The IRS
    The Sheriff’s deputies
    Put me in jail
    My dog died

    I’m pissed.
    And I refuse to give them the satisfaction of caving in

    I volunteered in India
    Just got back
    I’m with you, man.
    And I acknowledge everything you’ve done.

    Maybe I’ll fly you out for my district court date in September on the 12th
    At which time we will begin the long victory

  4. You are right Steve, the only casualties of this war are the innocent pain suffers. Right now we feel like we are fighting a nuclear war with BB guns. So many of our fellow chronic pain sufferers already feel or have been beaten and are afraid to confront the government for fear of loosing their medications. We are not out numbered, we are out financed. The only way to make a dent in their armor is to vote all who are running for re-election out of office, especially the Republican Regine in Florida. Let’s face it, government interests have nothing to do with the health and well fair of the population, it has to do with money. They don’t care about chronic pain and they don’t care about mental illness, they only care about the tax dollars that they can syphon from the budget. .

    • Actually neither side cares about anyone. It is all about power, position, and money. Not one would willingly give up their cushy jobs!

  5. Very well said. Thank you so much for the tireless work you do on our behalf. You are like The Rescuer that comes to the aid of the child being bullied at school. Chronic pain patients are being bullied by this government and every healthy person willing to do battle on our behalf is so appreciated. We love you.

    And I plan to vote the bums out.

  6. People are scared to fight . This country was not built on fear . I fight by signing those petitions I write letters I support ARTICLE V of the Constitution it was put there for to be used when the federal government runs a mock . I thank you for all you do .

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