If you do the math on opiate Rxs and OD’s

This chart is suppose to be based on DATA from the “all-knowing – always right” CDC..

opiate  prescriptions in 2016 where at about the same level as 2006 ..maybe slightly DOWN..

and the number of OD’s almost DOUBLED in the same time frame.

They claim that there is 100 million chronic pain pts…  reality is that we probably have between 20 – 30 million mod-severe chronic pain pts that are in need of opiate therapy 24/7 and are opiate dependent to maintain the best quality of life they can.

Best practices and standard of care suggests that pts with this level of pain should be provided both a long acting opiate and a short acting (immediate release) opiate for breakthru pain.

that would encompass these pts getting 24 Rxs/yr..

multiple 30 million by 24 and you get 720 million prescriptions… and currently the graph shows our country is currently filling/dispensing about 215 million opiate prescriptions.

So it would appear that we are coming up a “little short” on what could be considered the proper treatment of pts with mod-severe pain..  The other estimated 70 million may be able to get by with using a NSAID and/or “some” opiates and there is still “NONE” for those pts with acute pain and/or surgically induced pain.

So the DEA is cutting opiate production quotas in 2018 .. for the THIRD YEAR IN A ROW and it would appear that production quotas on the major opiates will be abt 50% lower in 2018 than they were in 2015.

Does this suggest that the CDC/DEA is from Venus and the rest of the healthcare system is from Mars ?

Does these numbers suggest that there is gross DENIAL OF CARE of those with chronic pain… and perhaps … the amount of denial is still INCREASING.

2 Responses

  1. Did the same type of do the math on that so-called little W.V town where they claim 9 million ,,blah blah ,,for only 2400 people,,,THE TRUTH/REALITY IS it was a tri-state pharmacy,,,serving 9 rural hospitals in 3 states,,,anotherwards everything the media/dea was portraying WAS A LIE,,,BY,,,LIARS,,,,, they are propagandizing their beliefs,,,not medical facts,,,to deny opiates are medically necessary,,,they want opiates and us dead or gone,,either way,,”they want us dead,,,The lies they are using now a days,,are thee exact same bigotry,prejudice they used about black people in the early 1900’s,,,all lies,,all based are sheer prejudice,and bigots..The type that think their above people,or better then,,thus justify killing people or tortureing people,,,,just like bully’s,,,maryw

  2. There is Too Much that doesn’t make sense. However, when we look at who is benefiting and who is not, and the HUGE disproportionate population being tortured, the focus becomes very clear, -(that the stakes are high), and this time in history is the end-game for all which has led to this so far.

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