I’ll prescribe whatever you want and loose my license and just retire

stevemailboxHi Steve wanted to let you know what happened, strange appointment indeed. It started with us discussing the results from a foot specialist he had sent me to see concerning my good foot. They found my other talus is collapsing due to 22years on crutches and overuse. They have a surgery scheduled for the 8th of Dec. Then I brought up the medication and the enzyme test, also that the CDC doesn’t even have RSD, CRPS, or Causalgia listed on their site. He told me it was the government and they lump all chronic pain together and that the DNA swab test didn’t matter to them. I asked if he could make an exception because of the amount of pain involved with RSD and the results from the test proved I needed the amount of medication that I’ve been on 22years. I was calm the entire conversation but all of a sudden he said f*** it I’m tired of arguing with every patient I’ll prescribe whatever you want and loose my license and just retire. I reminded him I wasn’t arguing but this was about the quality of the rest of my life. He apologized and agreed that I wasn’t arguing but all patients were asking the same. It ended with him giving me my regular script but he said it was still going to be lowered. I understand his frustration with all other patients wanting to keep their meds but was surprised at how he treated me. I’m not sure what to expect next month. Thanks again for your time and help.

2 Responses

  1. The problem that he (the doctor) doesn’t realize is that he might lose more than just his license–he might lose his freedom, all he owns, his integrity, his family…need I go on? There is an answer to this dilemma though. It is understanding that opiates don’t cause abuse or addiction. Come to my next webinar on the subject, or get my DVD (on sale through November). Learn what is happening to compassionate doctors on my website http://www.doctorsofcourage.org. You can connect with the webinars there as well.

  2. I really feel for this pain patient. My late husband had long term RSD. He did not die from that, had broken a foot while shoveling snow, the foot broke across the top of his foot. While in the hospital his foot started turning red and blue, then kind of black. The bones eventually healed, but the pain continued, even getting much worse. Eventually diagnosed with RSD. He started on pain pills, over time he needed more and the RSD moved into other foot and both legs were involved as years went by. He was always in pain. He died 4 years ago, from lymphoma. I feel now that he died in time to miss this CDC horror film. With high doses of pain meds he still lived every day with intolerable pain. After his death I got sick, and need pain meds myself,pretty low doses when compared to husbands. This war on drugs is insane.Most of those who rely on pain meds are not overdosing, taking meds as directed. CDC must by now realize that doctors are reacting to their recommendations by stopping prescriptions cold turkey, which threatens life at worst, causes great pain at the least. How long does it take to get this truth understood before more suicides occur? Please hear us!!

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