I’m too am contemplating how I’m going to commit suicide

I feel so deeply for you and the rest of us pain patients.  My pain clinic was abruptly closed this month by the DEA.  Before their doors shut, they gave the patients RXs for Chlonodine and Zofran to help cope with opiod withdrawals.  Today at Wegmans Pharmacy, the pharmacist told me that they have “orders from corporate headquarters” not to accept any RXs, including non-opiod, from that practice due to their legal problems.  Besides this indignity, I have been turned down by 5 doctors for assistance in tapering off opiods.  I told all of them I’m not even asking for opiods, just help to get off.  No help anywhere. 

I’m too am contemplating how I’m going to commit suicide.


7 Responses

  1. Please hang in there! We are fighting every day to try to effect change! We are meeting with our legislators, writing letters, faxes, and calls. On twitter we are under #shareourpain or #onevoice360. There are many pain groups on Facebook, please join one. there are other answers, Please you are important! We understand and can help provide support, someone to talk to, someone to understand. Thank you

  2. Hope I think you have good ideas. With the climate being how it is with surgical patients receiving no pain meds after surgery. Cancer patients denied pain medication.it is a very hard time. Even while some hospitals in some states are experiencing shortages the DEA is reducing production of pain medications again,. Congress has already reduced production 70% over the past 3 years but the DEA is asking for more reductions, more crack downs. I have tried to find my husband a doctor but in our state the Board of Health has decided that only cancer, hospice or a trial may have pain medications. Going to another state is a red flag however I see people traveling hours to get to a doctor who will help. Some are flying. Indiana has limited pain medications to 15mg a day or 60mme. Montana and Colorado have decided 50mme is the highest limit. For people not used to pain medications that might be sufficient for short term. For chronic pain patients who’s doctors have given them over what is now the limit of 90mme it is a tragedy. People are not being tapered of these, now considered, high doses. Every state is different right now but they are all getting in line to ensure they will qualify for federal money. It is like a cancer spreading across the US. If it hasn’t happened in your area, please prepare. You can search for pain patients cut off or abandoned and see the stories now in the news. It is so sad. This is not my country anymore when people with hip or knee replacements get no pain meds. My friend in Missouri just had her gall bladder removed, no pain meds given. The nurse wanted to keep her overnight, Medicaid said no.

    • Dee, how,many pain management doctors has your husband gone to see,? How long did he stick with them before changing doctors ? You said you had,tried to find doctors. So I’m not sure how,many he has actually seen for pain management. It usually makes world of difference when someone just calls,a,doctors office. as opposed to the patient getting an appointment, going and giving the doctor time to get to know them. I’m not trying to be rude. I’m just curious.

      Each state Medicaid program has its own rules. The state Medicaid program is the reason your friend was,released. Medicaid patients can stay longer than the set time frame. But, only when the doctor,has a,medical reason. A nurse does not qualify. Plus, I have seen doctors and nurses tell Medicaid patients they need to stay longer. When they know they do not qualify for any longer. It puts,the doctors and nurses in a favorable light with the patient. Frankly, if there had been a,medical reason for your friend staying in the hospital overnight. The doctor would not have released her. Hospitals know Medicaid may or may not approve additional time inpatient. So they make provisions for these situations.

      You have no way of knowing for sure why a doctor has,discharged a,patient. Or why a,doctor will not prescribe a certain medication or dosage. Unless you get a,copy of the patients,medical records,and read them. This is especially true on the internet.

  3. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Suicide is never the right answer. This too will pass. Life is such a precious and unique gift. Please don’t throw yours away. I know it seems hopeless at this moment in time but life is all we have to fight with. Never let go. Anyway, Anyhow, Anything you can to survive. I know you feel like giving up but you just can’t. Find a way to live. You will be doing exactly what the government wants you to do if you suicide. They will write you off as a mentally disturbed opiate overutilizer. Don’t let them win. Live to see this turn around and help us put those politicians responsible for this in prison. Get angry and resist the urge to give up. Think of outrage. Think of never giving your life away. Never go gentle into that good night. Think of everything you love and everyone you love and who love you. Please do not leave the legacy of suicide. It would be such a dreadful memory to leave for those who love you. Stay here and be present for those you love. Be here for you. You will be so glad that you did when you look back on this day in a few weeks.

  4. Please stay here…we must f8ght!
    Heat pads, ice packs, lido patches tramadol, anything!
    I GET IT! But refuse to let the bastards win!
    God love ya-we need you.

  5. Asked in love, “What are the options Hope?”

  6. When you say five doctors have turned you down. Do you mean you went into these doctors offices and talked with each doctor directly ? Did you talk to doctors that are already treating you for issues other than pain ? Or did you talk with five doctors that have never treated you ? Did you talk to your primary care doctor about prescribing the same or similar medications your pharmacy refused to fill ? Did you take the prescriptions to another pharmacy ? Have you talked with a psychiatrist or a doctor that specializes in Addiction Medicine ? There are options other than suicide.

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