In my opinion, kratom is safer than oxycodone and other narcotics.

Kratom and oxycodone

I think that kratom is much safer than some of the FDA- and US Drug Enforcement Administration–approved medications, such as oxycodone. I treat patients for opioid addiction, and I have a few who have stopped using opioids and are now on a stable, individualized dose that the patient decides. I know that this takes the control away from physicians and other governmental agencies, and there is also the loss of money for some drug companies. But so far, there have been no deaths or patients who needed to go to rehabilitation from using kratom. In my opinion, kratom is safer than oxycodone and other narcotics.—Anace Said, MD. 

8 Responses

  1. Anyone know of any reliable on-line vendors for kratom?
    I see some comments on Reddit for example that say kratom is a
    waste of money. However in a Pain News Network survey most
    participants in the survey had positive reviews.

    I don’t know if there are any liability issues involved by mentioning
    any particular website, but I’d rather not order, cross my fingers
    and hope I don’t get ripped off.

    By the way my pain doctor just lowered my pain meds for the 3rd
    time in less than a year.I went from well over 200 MME a day and doing really pretty well. I lost over 80lbs over 3 years was exercising and was just about to start a P/T job when Wham! He lowers my meds! He says he’s afraid to lose his license.

    He gave me an article from Practical Pain Management titled
    A Legal Interpretation of the CDC Opioid Prescribing Guidelines
    A Q&A with Jennifer Bolen,JD

    I told him these guidelines were for Primary Care Physicians and
    were voluntary. Basically he said T&*@h S*#t.

    I am in agony,dysphoric and bedridden. I hope I don’t become
    another Painful Pat (see Stefan Kersetz’s video on this site).

    Help Me! God, Please Help Me!

    Paul S.

    P.S Sorry for the disjointed rant. I am unable to think straight.
    P.P.S Has what my doctor done an ADA violation?

    • The fact that the doc’s changing your meds and causing you to lose that job.. that is FINANCIAL HARM and that is what attorneys look at .. when filing a lawsuit.. there is also the ADA, there is also medical battery and pt abuse for starters. Find an attorney – or law firm – that deals with personal injury, ADA and other civil rights issues

      • Thank you for replying to my comment.
        I will look for an attorney. I will try to hold out as long as I can.
        That is why I’m looking at Kratom. I’m just about at the end of my rope. Thanks again. You cannot possibly know how much your response means to me.

        Paul S.

  2. I thought Kratom was a horse tranquilizer? How can that be better for you than oxycodone?

    • Ken, the horse tranquilizer is fentanyl. It seems that kratom is a plant? Like to try it, posted on this site Steve mentioned that one can buy it online, I believe, like marijuana, may be or become illegal. I live in Colorado and can use and buy mj legally, however the new CDC guidelines have tied my docs hands because they do not allow pain meds to be used along with marijuana. So I have urine tests regularly, so can’t use mj. I don’t enjoy mj, but it helps right before sleeping to allow my body to sleep. I used to use diazipam for sleep, but now that is not legal. What I once used for over 30 years is not considered safe and we can be prosecuted. I feel like we are one step away from putting all pain patients in prison.

      • Fentanyl is not a horse tranquilizer. However on the street it has been mixed with one just as Heroin has been. Usually when you see a large amount of overdoses in one city in a few days time it is usually due to people buying heroin without knowing stronger Fentanyl was also used or had been cut with a horse tranquilizer that I cannot remember the name of.

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